

Published: Mar 26, 2021

  Mykhailo Oklander

  Alevtyna Kudina


The article’s purpose is to substantiate scientific and applied recommendations for the using of modern digital marketing tools to promote fashion brands. The subject of research is the theoretical foundations of the formation and operation of a system of priority channels for the promotion of brands of light industry enterprises in terms of increasing business risks. Methodology. The methods of scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis, systemic, dialectical, expert, analogies and structural-functional research methods are used. Results. The study has shown that most of the world’s brands in the fashion industry determine e-commerce the main vector of their development. This is due to changes in consumer behaviour and due to the significant impact of the pandemic on the retail sector. There are highlighted adverse factors of development of Ukrainian fashion brands. It has been identified promising channels for promoting fashion brands in the online space. The use of User Journey Map and User Flow is justified to ensure the convenience of using the online store and reduce the amount of time spent on shopping. The key elements of the information architecture of the site are highlighted: cognitive load and mental models. The set of brand measures to encourage users to expand interaction with content (official advertising from the social network) (for Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Pinterest), advertising with well-known bloggers whose audience is similar to the brand’s audience (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube), mass following and mass liking (Instagram); mutual PR (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok); Giveaway (Instagram)). Brand accounts must be fully consistent with the brand’s corporate identity and complement each other. There are shown the advantages of marketplaces in the promotion of goods of the fashion industry and the criteria for their selection in this market. There are determined the specifics of the use of social networks in the promotion of clothing and footwear brands. There are given characteristics of content in social networks Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Pinterest. There are proposed options for the development of stages of the sales funnel for fashion brands in social networks. It is determined that the strategy of brand development should be based on the specifics of the range in social networks, the portrait of the target audience, the character and DNA of the brand. It is based on the capabilities and goals of social networks. It is stated that with the correct use of resources and opportunities of social networks it is possible to ensure the growth of brand awareness and increase loyalty to it. Practical implications. The results of the study can be used to develop strategies and tactics for promoting fashion brands of Ukrainian companies in the Internet. Value/originality. The value of the article is due to the presence of recommendations for choosing the most effective channels for promoting fashion brands in the online space. There are proposed the functionality of the online store for fashion brands, the criteria for choosing marketplaces, the relevant social networks for the promotion of brands and the direction of their coordination with the company’s website.

How to Cite

Oklander, M., & Kudina, A. (2021). CHANNELS FOR PROMOTION OF FASHION BRANDS IN THE ONLINE SPACE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 7(2), 179-187.
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fashion industry, fashion brands, branding, digital technologies, marketplaces


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