

Published: Mar 26, 2021

  Vyacheslav Tylchyk

  Viktor Leschynsky


The role of legal relations in legal science cannot be overestimated, especially given the expansion of the boundaries of the subject of administrative law, which leads to the need to rethink its content. Legal relations can be defined as a kind of phenomenon that is a sign of a systemic connection and includes law in its subjective and objective sense. This is due to the fact that the law without legal relations loses its practical meaning, even in the case of certain material leverage. An important statement in the context of scientific research is that law is a real element of public life only when its existence is mediated by legal relations. It is clear that the sphere of public and law relations is much narrower in terms of the volume of social relations in general, which are due to the presence of phenomena that, crystallizing through the prism of legal regulation, acquire legal consolidation and significance. Analysing social relations (individual phenomena, institutions), scientists automatically transfer them to the legal plane. In this case, it is not possible to state the equal importance of social relations and law in legal relations, because the first will fill the legal gaps that will be the cornerstone of their order, and the conceptual apparatus of such a system will have to affect the legal form of law enforcement or vice versa. The reflexivity of a person’s perception of social norms expressed in the balance of social relations and law in legal relations can be established only by analysing not only legal norms but also social relations, which they organize in a “volumetric” sense. It is clear that such a process should not turn into a mechanical increase in legal regulation, but take into account the peculiarities of social relations, which, in fact, indicate anthropocentrism rather than the fact of priority or importance for the state as a subject (participant). In this context, it should be noted that today it is extremely difficult to determine which relations are most important for the state; moreover, the balance of human-centrism seems unclear, because without the participation of public authorities in the declared “self-regulation” to reach any “stability” whether it is impossible to overcome the negative phenomena. Methodology. The solution of the tasks is carried out using the cognitive potential of the system of philosophical, general scientific and special methods. Constitutionalism and synthesis allowed to define attributes and essence of the concept of “public law relations” and create this and other concepts. Using the form of analysis – systematization – the problems of classification of disputes in the field of public relations are identified, which are resolved by administrative courts. The structural and functional method is used during the characterization of public and law relations as a sign of a dispute, which is resolved in administrative proceedings and the study of the structure of the judicial administrative process. Methods of linguistic analysis and interpretation of legal norms helped identify gaps and other shortcomings in the legislation, develop proposals for its improvement.

How to Cite

Tylchyk, V., & Leschynsky, V. (2021). PUBLIC AND LEGAL RELATIONS AS A SPHERE OF JUDICIAL PROTECTION OF VIOLATED RIGHTS, FREEDOMS, AND INTERESTS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 7(2), 219-223.
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public and legal relations, guarantees of legality, dispute in the field of public and legal relations, administrative proceedings and administrative process, subject of own powers, judicial protection


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