

Published: Dec 6, 2016

  Olga Gaydarzhyyska

  Victoriia Riaboshapka

  Nataliia Hajdamaka


The aim of this work is to study the problem of optimizing the capital structure of the company. Optimization of capital structure is a necessary condition of adaptation the enterprises regardless of the branch of economy to which a company belongs, to changes in the economy in its development. Methods and criteria of optimisation of the capital structure of the enterprise. The method of determining the optimal capital structure of the enterprise according to the criteria of maximizing financial profitability. Technique. The study is based on the theoretical analysis of scientific works and practical activity of enterprises. Results. It is proved that in the process of optimizing the capital structure necessary to take into account the predictable result of economic activity of the enterprise, that is, financial result from usual activity before taxation. The study of problems of optimization of capital structure aimed at opening opportunities for the effective organization of business enterprises, providing conditions for disclosure for businesses achieving the goals of any order, and the creation of opportunities for enterprise maximum level of profit. The principle of optimization is to select the solution that best would take into account internal possibilities and external terms of activity of the enterprise. Optimization is the choice of a certain economic indicator that would allow to compare the effectiveness of any solutions. Also it is advisable to pay attention to the use of different types of loan capital to business enterprises, to know that helps to speed up circulation of funds and increase returns on invested capital, increase the efficiency of financial activities of a business entity. Value. Today, the economic activities of enterprises has a significant impact on the development of trade and economy. The achievement of dynamic growth of the basic indicators of work of enterprises of any sector of the economy, is the basic condition for the solution of domestic enterprises tasks for the organization of effective economic activity, meet the needs of national economy and population, reaching the European standards of service. The conditions that confront the enterprises in modern conditions of development of economy is impossible without attraction of means, and therefore without management of the capital structure.

How to Cite

Gaydarzhyyska, O., Riaboshapka, V., & Hajdamaka, N. (2016). STUDY THE PROBLEMS OF OPTIMIZING THE CAPITAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 2(4).
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enterprise, optimization, structure, capital, equity, loan capital.


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