

Published: Dec 6, 2016

  Nataliia Kovernuk


The purpose of writing is to research and analyze the effectiveness of financial resources in vocational education in Ukraine and develop practical recommendations for their improvement. To research and analyze the practices of formation and use of financial resources in vocational education. Research conducted by the methods of empirical knowledge, analysis, clustering, comparison, observation, synthesis, graphical analysis. The measures effective use of financial resources in vocational education in Ukraine. Methodology is actual work of scientists and researchers. Results are exploring of the practice of planning expenditures of state and local budgets for vocational education concluded that in planning expenditure dominates the normative method of budget planning. This discrepancy established approaches to the development of standards of employee’s vocational institutions and expenditures of staff, on the one hand, and the required planning spending on vocational education. When planning educational grants for training labor to local budgets is determined by the amount of expenditures that are relevant to the intergovernmental transfers, which include, in particular, spending on vocational education. Although the legislation stipulates the independence of local budgets and calculation of expenditures that are relevant to the intergovernmental transfers should be done only to determine the amount of educational grants for training labor, in practice there is a significant limitation of the autonomy of local governments in the planning of local budgets. Thus, the deterioration of the efficiency of spending on vocational education due to increasing labor costs and labor charges. The reason for this was the dynamics as increased wages and a change in the number of employees engaged in technical and vocational education. Value. The analysis of public expenditure planning practices and local budgets for vocational education concluded that in planning expenditure dominates the normative method of budget planning. This discrepancy established approaches to the development of standards of employee’s vocational institutions and expenditures of staff, on the one hand, and the required planning spending on vocational education. When planning educational grants for training labor to local budgets is determined by the amount of expenditures that are relevant to the intergovernmental transfers, which include, in particular, spending on vocational education. Although the legislation stipulates the independence of local budgets and calculation of expenditures that are relevant to the intergovernmental transfers should be done only to determine the amount of educational grants for training labor, in practice there is a significant restriction of local autonomy governments in local budget planning.

How to Cite

Kovernuk, N. (2016). EFFICIENCY FINANCIAL RESOURCES IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 2(4). https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2016-2-4-53-58
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financial resources, the state budget, local budgets, expenditures on education, funding the educational sector, education.


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