

Published: Dec 6, 2016

  Martha Slavitych

  Oleg Gupalo


The promising financing scheme of health insurance in Ukraine should be found at the present stage of its development. The health care system in Ukraine is cumbersome and outdated. It is based on the Semashko model with rigid management and financing procedures. The disadvantages accumulated in the national health care system due to lack of modernization, disregard of the population needs, non-use of modern global trends, the inefficient operation of the system and the high level of corruption cause the underlying situation. The decision of new government policy in the sector is introduction of new financial mechanisms, in order to ensure human rights in the health sector. Methodology. The study is based on a comparison of systems of financing of medicine in Ukraine and in other countries, provided advantages and disadvantages of each model. Results showed that the availability of medical services is the key problem in any society. The availability of health care services is primarily determined by the proportion of services guaranteed by the government (government guarantees). In some countries such as the United States, practically the whole medicine is funded by voluntary health insurance (VHI). In Europe the mandatory health insurance (MHI) and government funding are the most significant source of funds. Practical importance. The improvement of the demographic situation, the preservation and improvement of public health, improvement of social equity and citizens' rights in respect of medical insurance. Value/originality. Premiums for health insurance are the source of funding. Based on the new model requirements it is necessary to create an appropriate regulation, which would determine its organizational and regulatory framework. This process is primarily determined by identification and setting rules governing the relationship between patients, health care providers and insurers, creation of the conditions and the implementation of quality assurance mechanisms and the availability of medical care in accordance with the available resources and the expectations of patients. For the further development of the health care system in Ukraine, of the introduction of multi-channel financing will be appropriate.

How to Cite

Slavitych, M., & Gupalo, O. (2016). PROMISING FINANCING SCHEME OF HEALTH INSURANCE IN UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 2(4).
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healthcare system, healthcare model, Bismarck model, Beveridge model, Semashko model.


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