

Published: Nov 29, 2016

  Kateryna Bekh


The purpose of the paper is to sum up the theoretical foundations of glocal marketing and the peculiarities of display of such marketing on the example of marketing mix of Mondelēz International. Methodology. A large amount of available sources of information devoted to glocal marketing is analysed in order to achieve the purpose of the research. The research covers and highlights the concepts and ideas concerning this marketing, the sources of which are works that meet such requirements of information as relevance and reliability best of all. MOreover, the author's definition of the concept of glocal marketing is given. Mondelēz International is considered in the paper as an example of a company that uses the glocal approach in marketing. The choice of a company for analysis is so, in particular, because various representatives of Mondelēz International argue that this company uses a glocal strategy to promote its products in different countries of the world. Marketing mix of Mondelēz International is considered in the paper on the example of products under such trademarks as Barni, belVita, Oreo, Picnic, Tang and Toblerone. Results. The paper sums up the theoretical foundations of glocal marketing and considers the practical examples of the use of such marketing. There are numerous differences between countries, such as: social, technological, economic, environmental, political, legal and ethical. It means that marketing has common and distinctive features in different countries. The local aspects of marketing activities have an impact on the determination of global marketing orientation of a company. At the same time, every global marketing problem has its local display, and therefore requires a glocal approach in solving the problem. Glocal marketing is marketing combining the advantages of global and local approaches, taking into account trends and changes in the marketing environment generated by the dialectics of unity and struggle of the global and the local. Combining the ideas of global marketing and local marketing allows allay or even completely avoid the shortcomings occurring if only global or only local approach is used. The same products of a company may be under another trademarks, have a variety of flavours or forms depending on a country. The product price correlates with inputs. Mondelēz International often chooses the reduction of its product weight rather than the rise of product price. Mondelēz International sells its products in 165 countries organized into five segments. Each segment has its own structure of product consumption and other peculiarities. The product promotion depends on the features of a product. The positioning of a product may not differ in different countries, but advertising may be altered depending on the market if needed. The analysis of different sources of information as well as the research of marketing mix confirms with specific examples that Mondelēz International uses glocal marketing. Practical implications. The advantages and at the same time the distinctive features of the implementation of glocal marketing are marked out while considering the theoretical foundations of the research. Such distinctive features have also been supported by specific examples of activities of Mondelēz International. The research has confirmed the existing theoretical achievements in the field of glocal marketing. The research is also a continuation and further development of these achievements, concepts and ideas. Value/originality. Specific examples of activities of Mondelēz International, adduced in the paper, combined with theoretical foundations of the issue of glocal marketing, are logically united and mutually complementary. The further development of scientific understanding of the concept of glocal marketing is obtained, as well as the implementation of its principles in practice. It will help, in particular, to large transnational corporations to conduct efficiently their activities in markets of different countries under conditions of cultural differentiation manifested in diversity of needs, tastes and preferences of local consumers. All this is intended for the reduction of costs and the increase of revenues of such corporations in conditions of the current marketing environment, as well as the maximization of satisfaction of the customers' needs in different countries.

How to Cite

Bekh, K. (2016). A COMPANY’S MARKETING MIX IN TERMS OF GLOCAL MARKETING. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 2(5), 10-15. https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2016-2-5-10-15
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glocal marketing, glocalization, Mondelēz International, marketing mix, global approach, local approach, needs of local consumers.


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