

Published: Nov 29, 2016

  Lesya Buyak

  Kristina Lipyanina


Tourism as a phenomenon of social life is a derivative of social development. Its appearance is attributed to the industrial stage of human development, which was inherent in the accelerated development of the productive forces, deepening division of labour, development of urbanization processes. Accelerated innovation changes related to scientific and technological progress contributed to the overall socio-economic development of certain countries, improve the living standards of their populations, changed the nature of work, method and way of life, especially evident in the XX century. Urbanization and changes in the settlement system, post-industrial phase of economic development, deepening comprehension of environmental issues and global dimension of humanity, humanization of all spheres of public life. The increase in tourist flows in all regions complicates the management of enterprises, schemes of partnership in the process in tourism, which, among other things, is accompanied by rising levels of consumer education, and therefore their quality requirements for end tourism product, the rapid increase in supply, there is a need to study the characteristics of consumer behaviour, search for existing reserves to build capacity of individual enterprises, isolation and effective use of effective methods and tools of influence on consumer choice of consumers. Development and implementation of an effective mechanism of formation of market supply needs an assessment of consumer behaviour on quantitative and qualitative indicators. The rapid development of tourism, of course, helps determine the types and methods of calculating these indicators. These problems and targeted research are considered in this article. The subject of research is the concept and tools of analysis, mathematical modelling of the economic structure of society in dynamic tourist services. Research methodology is economic and mathematical models, algorithms and processes dynamics of tourist services. The study is creating simulation economic structure of society in dynamic tourist services. To achieve this goal was set and solved the following tasks: to conduct computational experiments planned to reveal the real trend of economic systems, and – to explore possible economic laws implementing services in terms of appropriate control measures. Conclusions. With solutions, built model follows in principle the possibility of optimal control over modern economic processes, the possibility of disposal of available industrial residues and further the economic development of our country.

How to Cite

Buyak, L., & Lipyanina, K. (2016). MODELLING OF TOURISM SERVICE DYNAMICS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ECONOMIC PATTERN OF SOCIETY. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 2(5), 30-34.
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tourism, economic sociology, welfare and poverty, model construction and es-timation, dynamic treatment effect models.


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