The object of the work is study of methods for analyzing the current financial and economic performance of a company as well as the usage of existing methods for the assessment of the company in the current and future periods. Analysis of financial and economic performance provides not only assessment of the current situation of a company, but a projection of its future behavior. Thus, the results can be used for planning and prediction. Different ways of handling of economic information are currently used in activity analysis to study the factors influencing the performance of a company and to account its reserves. An objective assessment of the financial and economic situation of the modern enterprise is the crucial part of justified decision-making. It forms the basis for determining the development strategy and acts as one of the key indicators for investors and creditors. Tracking and evaluating the effectiveness of a company requires above all comprehensive assessment of its financial and economic activities, monitoring the implementation of decisions, and identification of reserves for improvement. The process of activity analysis requires generalization of models which allow using their results both as a guide for future development of the economic system as well as a base for comparison and evaluation of the present state of the company. This enables justified decision making in particular situations and clarifies usage of existing methods for assessment of the company in the current and future periods. Results. Financial and economic activities of a company require comprehensive analysis, which may be carried out in the following steps: formulating and analyzing business objectives of the company, forming the information basis, constructing a comparison table, analyzing the data, producing a comprehensive rating score of the financial and economic situation of the company. Comprehensive rating score should take into account all important parameters of financial, economic, and industrial activity in the company. It should be constructed using the data on the production potential of the company, its profitability and business activity, financial independence and financial status, etc. The rating score can be determined using additive convolution. Practical value. Thus, a comprehensive analysis of financial and economic performance of a company through dynamic analysis using reference matrices allows: to get a justified assessment of the financial position and financial results of the company; to identify the causes of changes in financial position and financial results; to calculate a comprehensive rating that takes into account the most important parameters of financial, economic, and production activity of the company; to provide well-reasoned managerial decisions in finance in order to improve the financial condition and financial results of the company and to increase the efficiency of its economic activity. Achieved results enable conducting a comprehensive analysis of the financial and economic state of public institutions.
How to Cite
financial position, financial results, efficiency, forming the information basis, dynamic analysis
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