

Published: Aug 29, 2017

  Lesia Dmytryshyn

  Viktoriia Bushynska


The purpose of the research is a set of theoretical and methodological, methodical and applied provisions concerning the analysis of economic development built on knowledge (KE) in the regions of Ukraine and also the determination of their integral estimation of KE development level. Methodology. The research methodology is based on a systematic approach, within which analysed KAM methodology (Knowledge Assessment Methodology) developed by the World Bank, identified key groups of indicators, such as the general condition of regional economies, economic stimulus and the characteristics of the institutional system, innovation, R&D sector and informational infrastructure. Considered the key factors that determine the position of knowledge in the regional development, namely: the business community, the scientific environment and the system of self-government, which forms regional policy in the light of specific conditions of areas. The possibility of this methodology’s application in the regional aspect is determined. For the research are chosen all regions of Ukraine. Exceptions are temporarily occupied territory. Accordingly, histograms of each of the key indicators’ groups are built that help to determine the level of development of a particular region. Results. Established that the symbiosis of innovative potential with the unique economic mechanisms is the catalysts that enhance the development of the regional knowledge economy. This analysis helps to see social and economic differences between the regions of Ukraine. Determined that the characteristic feature is an inadequate level of funding of science, which causes the slowdown of innovation activity in the regions because of links imbalance between industry and research industry sector. In most cases, the regions occupied similar positions in different groups of indicators. This allows us to conclude that the development of the knowledge economy components in the region is balanced. Noteworthy the fact that during analysing each of the indicators groups, the lion's share of regions was located around the median value, which points to the similarity of the condition of knowledge development in the economy of the regions. Highlighted powerful, competitive and potentially most perspective regions in terms of KE development in 2015. The practical implication of the results is findings and proposals for the formation of a regional knowledge economy development strategy. Found that the program support of the knowledge economy development should aim at the accelerated and harmonious growth of all triad elements "education – science – manufacturing" and their resulting components.

How to Cite

Dmytryshyn, L., & Bushynska, V. (2017). SPATIAL DIFFERENTIATION OF THE REGIONS OF UKRAINE CONCERNING THE KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 3(1), 31-35.
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economy of knowledge, innovations, knowledge assessment methodology, Ukraine regions, spatial aspect, system analysis.


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