

Published: Jan 30, 2022

  Serhii Horbliuk

  Oleh Brovko

  Solomiya Kudyn


The subject of the study is organizational and economic relations arising in the process of revitalization of degraded industrial zones in Ukraine. The cities face the problems of the degradation of territories caused by the decline of facilities of the local economy, low living standards and low level of residents’ social capital, social exclusion, migration of economically active population, unsatisfactory environmental conditions, etc. Methodology. The study used a set of general scientific and specialized methods that are based on interdisciplinary and systematic approaches. The research envisaged a semantic analysis of the content of the key regulatory and legal acts in the field of the state regional policy of Ukraine, as well as urban strategic planning. In the course of the study the following methods were also used: selective observation, analogy, comparative analysis, expert assessments to identify the features of the implementation of projects on the revitalization of degraded industrial zones in the cities of Ukraine; abstract-logical, grouping, generalization to reveal the main characteristics of revitalization of degraded industrial zones in Ukraine. Purpose of the study is to identify strategic priorities, focus areas and targets of the policy on the revitalization of degraded industrial zones on the basis of analysis of the existing projects in the cities of Ukraine. Results of the study. By relying on the analysis of the development strategies of the Ukrainian cities of regional significance, the following revitalization directions are established: degraded industrial zones; parks, recreation zones and other public spaces; objects of culture and historical and architectural heritage. The prerequisites, goals and tasks of revitalizing inactive industrial zones are highlighted. The article analyzes the implementation of specific projects aimed at: development of creative industries in reconstructed post-industrial premises, arrangement of coworking, support of entrepreneurial and social initiatives (Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Kharkiv, Odesa, Kyiv); creation of unique platforms for various cultural events, communication of representatives of the creative sector and quality recreation (Lviv, Kharkiv, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Kyiv); formation of an environment for restaurant activity, wholesale and retail trade (Kyiv, Kherson); construction of innovative infrastructure, providing support for high-tech industries (Kyiv, Dnipro). Conclusion. Based on the generalization of experience, the characteristic features of the revitalization of degraded industrial zones in Ukraine are outlined. It is noted that projects on city revitalization focuses on giving new features to territories and facilities and emphasizing their uniqueness; most projects on the revitalization of degraded industrial zones in the cities of Ukraine are grounded on creative ideas, the embodiment of which often requires large investment.

How to Cite

Horbliuk, S., Brovko, O., & Kudyn, S. (2022). APPROACHES TO THE REVITALIZATION OF DEGRADED INDUSTRIAL ZONES IN CITIES OF UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 8(1), 36-42.
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city revitalization, degraded industrial zone, sustainable development, cities of Ukraine


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