

Published: Sep 15, 2017

  Viktoriya Bashuk


The purpose of this article is to investigate the regulation of the use, consumption, and trade of genetically modified organisms in different countries of the world, as well as in Ukraine. The definition of international approaches to risk assessment of genetically modified products is of particular importance for international trade. Methodology. The study is based on data from different sources, beginning with the first mention of genetically modified organisms, ending with the latest received data from different countries. Purpose. Show how different countries refer differently to the production of genetically modified products, differently perceive it and are guided by different principles. Find ways to solve the problems associated with the introduction of GMOs in Ukraine and compare them with other countries. Results. The study showed that developed countries have developed clear rules for the production, labelling, consumption, and trade of products containing GMOs. Also, the bodies and structures responsible for compliance with all these rules are defined and a large number of legislative acts has been adopted, which cannot be said of Ukraine. In Ukraine, this is a large gap because “on paper” also seems that there are some rules according to GMOs but they are not clear, consistent, and they are not followed due to their observance, as these powers are entrusted to a large number of structures. Due to imperfect legislation and lack of funds, products that are imported are not tested for GMOs content, there are no studies on the safety of their consumption and cultivation, the reliability of information on labels is not followed. Practical implications. In Ukraine, in order to ensure the proper level of state regulation, protection, and use of genetically modified products obtained with the help of modern biotechnologies, it is necessary to adhere strictly to the fulfilment of the main criteria: 1) adoption and further improvement of legislation regulating this area of activity; 2) registration and prevention of the danger of genetic pollution of the environment as a result of the production of genetically modified products; 3) determination of economic efficiency from growing GM plants; 4) introduction of a transparent GMO registration system and issuing permits for field testing of transgenic plants, limiting plant testing to several years; 5) solution of a problem of intellectual property protection in this area and technology transfer; 6) determining the degree of influence of genetically modified products on human health and the biosystem as a whole; 7) formation of public opinion, development of environmental education; 8) enhancement of international cooperation in plant biotechnology and biosafety. Value/originality. Ukraine is a big country that is developing, it has a good potential and can get economic benefits from the production of genetically modified products, so it is necessary to fill in all the gaps in this matter in the near future in order to take its place in this sphere.

How to Cite

Bashuk, V. (2017). FEATURES OF THE STATE REGULATION OF THE PRODUCTION OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED PRODUCTS IN THE WORLD AND IN UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 3(2), 4-11. https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2017-3-2-4-11
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genetically modified organisms (GMOs), genetically modified products, trade regulation, regulation of using GMOs, Ukraine.


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