

Published: Jan 30, 2022

  Vladyslava Lyfar

  Yuliia Sokolova


The study aims is to determine the components of the region’s inclusive development and its results through the analysis of population welfare. Methodology. To achieve the goal of the study, the general methods (analysis, deduction), methods of abstraction for building models, empirical methods (comparison, measurement, questionnaire) were used. Findings. Analyzing studies devoted to the inclusive development of the economy, the authors put forward a personal vision of the basis for the inclusive development of an industrial region, consisting of the economy of the region, the community living in a given territory and the environment, and their interrelationships, which made it possible to propose a conceptual model for the involvement of members of the territorial community in inclusive development. Originality. The author's inclusive business model for the development of the region is proposed. It is aimed at attracting investments through the existing positive image, brand of the territory and additional value, which, unlike the existing ones, does not focus on factor conditions (minerals, land) of economic development, but focuses on human resources, that constituted an element of scientific novelty of the study. One of the main prerequisites for the implementation and development of the inclusive business model – the well-being of the population – was detected. Therefore, a study, which assessed and compared the welfare of the population of different regions of Ukraine, based on clearly defined indicators of living standards and quality of life was conducted. The inequality of development of different regions of Ukraine was also assessed, and its causes were identified. The conducted research the principles of regional justice contributed to the formulation of recommendations for overcoming the gaps in the welfare of the population of the Ukrainian regions. Practical value. The results obtained can be used as a scientific substantiation of reforms in the internal regional, social, and economic policy of Ukraine aimed at ensuring qualitative structural changes in the domestic economy.

How to Cite

Lyfar, V., & Sokolova, Y. (2022). THE INCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGION ACCORDING TO THE CURRENT ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 8(1), -83.
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economics, inclusive development, living standards, population welfare, quality of life


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