

Published: Mar 25, 2022

  Valentina Voronkova

  Vitalina Nikitenko

  Natalya Metelenko


The subject of the study is the stabilization of the digital society as a complex social phenomenon, which is dynamically evolving. The purpose of the study is to analyze the theoretical and practical principles of Agile-economy as a factor influencing the stabilization of the digital society, combined with the leverage of managerial influence on its development. To form the concept of Agile-economy as a set of methods of nonlinearity, the authors use the theory of complex systems, flexible approaches, self-organization and demonstrate the influence of various factors – stochastic information, instability and uncertainty, which must be overcome to achieve its stability. The methodology of the study includes a set of methods and principles of Agile methodology as a type of flexibility and adaptability to the complex conditions of economic development as a complex system under conditions of instability and identifying mechanisms of managerial impact on its changes to improve the digital society. Methodology also includes general philosophical methods such as analysis and synthesis, generalization, systematics, structure, historical-logical and comparative analysis. Research result. It is defined that the essence of Agile-economy is to become flexible, mobile, smart and to help overcome the problems of modern society in today's unstable and crisis conditions. It is revealed that nonlinear thinking leads to flexible approaches to contemporary problems – economic, environmental, social, cultural and requires the development of the concept of Agile-philosophy, which was created by the Club of Rome and is based on a holistic approach to understanding society and addressing the deep crisis of values. The basis of Agile-economy is the reorientation of management from hierarchies to network structures, because the 21st century is the era of network structures and network economy, which requires flexible approaches to complex social systems. The practical significance of the study is that Agile-economy as a factor in stabilizing society under conditions of instability will contribute to sustainability based on the programming of society based on the balance between man, nature, society on the basis of frugality and inclusiveness. The concept of an agile economy as a stabilizing factor will help unleash the energy of innovation and creativity to stabilize the economy and further its digital development.

How to Cite

Voronkova, V., Nikitenko, V., & Metelenko, N. (2022). AGILE-ECONOMY AS A FACTOR IN IMPROVING THE DIGITAL SOCIETY. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 8(2), 51-58.
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AGILE-economy, complex system, nonlinear thinking, digital society, concept of natural resources restoration


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