

Published: Oct 9, 2017

  Оlena Kozyreva

  Rita Sagaidak-Nikituk

  Natalia Demchenko


For a long period of time from 1991 to 2016, the socio-economic development of Ukrainian regions was characterized by enhanced differentiation and persistent inequality. Permanent preservation of the gap between the maximum and minimum values of indicators of socio-economic development of regions, in particular, the GRP per capita (8.8 times in 2014); disposable income of populace (10.3% in 2015); unemployment rate according to ILO methodology (in 2.8 times in January-September 2016), the volume of realized industrial products (38,9 times in January-September 2016) indicate the persistence of centre-periphery relations between regions in the economic space of the country. This situation reduces the overall efficiency of the economy, which is reflected by the decline of Ukraine’s position in the rankings of international organizations. According to the global competitiveness index in 2015, Ukraine has shifted from 76 to 79 place compared with 2014, according to the Index of Human Development, there was a slight increase from 83 to 81 place. To crown it all, taking into account the complexity of modern processes of Ukrainian regions’ socio-economic development, the total assessment of determination of Ukrainian regions’ levels of socio-economic development is required. The purpose of the article implies prompting the research results of determining the problem concerning the consolidated assessment of the socio-economic development of Ukrainian regions. Methodology. The article examines the processes of socio-economic development of Ukrainian regions and offers an analytical scheme of identification stage of problematic of the regions’ socioeconomic development. The article justifies a system of partial indicators and on its basis calculates the integral and generalizing indicators of economic and social development of Ukrainian regions. Analysis of recent researches and publications. Issues of spatial development of the country’s regions have researched Italo F., Baklanov P., Boyer G., Bramanti A., Grossetti M., Dmytryshyn L., Krugman P., Lappo G., Demyanenko О., Myrdal G., Fujita М., etc. Statement of the problem. However, reasoning the topical approach to the determination of the level of socio-economic development of the country’s regions requires in-depth development that in its turn determines the relevance of this article.

How to Cite

KozyrevaО., Sagaidak-Nikituk, R., & Demchenko, N. (2017). ANALYSIS OF THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINIAN REGIONS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 3(2), 51-58.
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socio-economic development of region, irregularity, gross regional product, unemployment rate, migration index, problematic.


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