

Published: Mar 25, 2022

  Yulia Yukhnovska

  Nina Kureda

  Bohdan Korneliuk


The purpose of the article is to analyze the segments and specific factors of the development of health (medical), rehabilitation, wellness and recreational types of tourism in Ukraine and the demand for their services. The authors studied the health status of the population of Ukraine during 2015-2021, as well as indicators of morbidity among the population, which allowed to conclude about the society's need for the services of sanatoriums and resorts. Methodology. Theoretical and methodological basis of this study are the provisions of economic theory, which are presented in the fundamental works of domestic and foreign scientists on market and administrative regulators of the market of recreational tourism in Ukraine. Results. The article examines the current state of the transport infrastructure, information and communication technologies, standards of medical and health tourism services that contribute to the competitiveness of the national market of health (medical), wellness and recreational tourism. Calculations were made on the basis of official statistical data on the number of tourist flows in Ukraine by purpose of trips organized by domestic tour operators and travel agents. On the basis of these data the authors identified trends in realized demand for health and wellness (medical) services of travelers in health and recreational tours to foreign countries, where their funds go not only to health facilities, but also to the foreign tourism industry as a whole. The authors analyzed the trends in the number of sanatoriums and health resorts in Ukraine during 1990-2017, which showed a significant decrease in their number, and identified the reasons for this trend. The authors investigated the legal basis for the administrative regulation of the market of health (medical) tourism in Ukraine, namely the powers of state administration of the central executive authorities, local state administrations, executive bodies of local self-government in the field of tourism. Practical implications. Also, the typical international models of public administration in the development of tourism and resorts have been studied and determined that in the context of market reforms of the Ukrainian economy, a model for the formation of the state institution of tourism management and the emergence of this model in the country has been investigated. The article also focuses on the process of privatization of health resorts located or created in the territories of resorts of local importance and using the natural healing resources of these territories. Value/originality. It would be advisable to coordinate the activities of different levels of administration in the development of regional health tourism in order to rationally and efficiently use regional resources and eventually achieve a synergistic effect.

How to Cite

Yukhnovska, Y., Kureda, N., & Korneliuk, B. (2022). MARKET AND ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATORS OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS TOURISM MARKET IN UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 8(2), 173-182.
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public administration, health and wellness tourism, regulators, market, development,, health resort facilities, strategy


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