

Published: Sep 30, 2022

  Liubov Bila-Tiunova

  Natalia Panova

  Yevheniia Frolova


The subject of the study is the conceptual, theoretical and methodological basis for the use of incentives as a method of management of social relations in general, and in the public service, in particular. Methodology: general and special methods of scientific knowledge were used in this study. The method of comparison was used to summarize the approaches of various researchers on the main dominants to the definition of the concepts of "method", "method of encouragement", "formal and informal techniques that constitute the content of the method of encouragement". The analysis was used to determine quantitative and qualitative parameters that characterize the specifics of the influence of the method of encouragement on public service relations. The results of the study have shown that in Ukraine, there is an urgent need to reassess the methods of public relations management with an emphasis on methods of a dispositive nature. Conclusion. An argumentation is offered regarding the distinction between encouragement as a "method of regulating relations in the public service" and as an "institution of encouragement in the public service". Formalized informal ways that cover the method of encouragement in public service are analyzed. It is established that the issue of informal ways of the method of encouragement in the public service has formed in connection with non-material variations of motivation of civil servants. The advantages of informal methods of method of encouragement in public service are revealed. The properties of the methods of proper regulation of public relations (public administration) are identified. It is noted that the content of each method is determined by the following features: the nature of relations between the participants of public interaction; techniques and means that are used (can be used) in the process of regulating influence; motivation that provides necessary/desirable behavior of a private person or authorized subject, acting as a subordination party or one of the parties of coordination interaction. It is argued the thesis that encouragement as a "method of regulation of public-service relations" is not identical to "institution of encouragement in public service". Formalized informal ways that encompass the method of encouragement in public service are analyzed. It has been established that the problem of informal ways of method of encouragement in public service has formed because of non-material variations in motivation of public servants. The advantages of informal ways of method of encouragement in public service are revealed.

How to Cite

Bila-Tiunova, L., Panova, N., & Frolova, Y. (2022). ENCOURAGEMENT AS A METHOD OF MANAGING SOCIAL RELATIONS: APPLIED SIGNIFICANCE IN PUBLIC SERVICE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 8(3), 20-26. https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2022-8-3-20-26
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method, public administration, encouragement, public service, public servant, Ukraine


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