As climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time, the legal and economic issues of global environmental security deserve high praise. In the area of industrial competitiveness, where the negative effects of global climate change include floods and droughts, forest fires, and rising sea levels, climate change is highly problematic. Climate impacts affect public and private agricultural infrastructure (including the coastal zone), resulting in lost productivity and increased costs for agriculture. The article applies climate change on a global scale in the form of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to determine how the mixtures and emissions of any one entity affect other areas (e.g., individual, community, company or country emissions). Exploring the theoretical and practical premises of climate change as a complex phenomenon, the novelty of this article is that it examines the current framework of the environmental-legal concept, not just the political implications of the legal framework. The research aim of the article lies in two dimensions: the European Union's current climate change policy framework (the climate and energy package, a set of climate change strategies and related policies targeting EU candidate countries); recent environmental operations in Ukraine as an EU candidate country under extraordinary conditions. This article examines recent changes in climate legislation and climate policy in EU member and candidate countries, as well as other highly developed countries, such as the United Kingdom, the United States, and China. Focusing on the impact of the EU Climate and Energy Package (2020 and 2030), this article examines the main implications of EU climate legislation regulating the EU Emissions Trading Scheme and promoting the role of renewable energy in global energy consumption and energy efficiency in general. As a result of this study, this analysis offers multifaceted conclusions based on the interaction of a number of current administrative acts on climate change and environmental policy on a global scale.
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climate change, comparative advantage, equitable and reasonable use, EU law and policy on climate change, EU climate and energy package, EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, environmental security, greenhouse gases, water resources
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