

Published: Sep 30, 2022

  Iryna Myloserdna

  Alina Prokhorenko

  Kateryna Savon


The subject of the study is the conceptual and praxeological theoretical basis for the implementation of measures to prevent corruption during martial law. Methodology: general and special methods of scientific knowledge were used in this study. The comparison method was used to summarize the approaches of various researchers on the main dominants to the definition of the concepts of "restrictions" and "anti-corruption restrictions". The analysis was used to determine quantitative and qualitative parameters that characterize the specifics of applying restrictions on relatives' work in relation to servicemen. The results of the study showed that there is an urgent need in Ukraine to adjust the anti-corruption mechanism so that the existing anti-corruption measures are improved and adapted to the conditions of martial law. Conclusion. It has been established that measures to prevent corruption, such as anti-corruption declarations and special inspections, have been simplified during martial law, which has a positive effect, mediated by the presence of objective reasons for the impossibility of their normal application. Attention is drawn to the fact that some anti-corruption restrictions have been forcibly terminated - there are temporary reservations regarding restrictions on receiving gifts and restrictions on the use of official powers or one's position. It is substantiated that anti-corruption restrictions during the martial law period have gained signs of flexibility, but only for charitable purposes and for the purpose of material support of the defense of Ukraine, which corresponds to the modern national interests. The current order of application of anti-corruption restrictions to servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations, formed in accordance with the legislation, was analyzed. It is noted that at the subordinate level was used an expansive interpretation of the restriction of joint work of close persons by applying it to almost all members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which is not consistent with the prescriptions of the relevant anti-corruption legislation. Amending Art. 27 of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption" by singling out military officials as subjects who are not subject to the restriction on joint work of relatives.

How to Cite

Myloserdna, I., Prokhorenko, A., & Savon, K. (2022). SELECTED ISSUES OF IMPLEMENTING MEASURES TO PREVENT CORRUPTION DURING MARTIAL LAW. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 8(3), 134-142.
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martial law, corruption, prevention of corruption, anti-corruption restrictions, military officials


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