

Published: Nov 30, 2022

  Volodymyr Buha

  Hanna Buha

  Anastasiia Yali


The purpose of the article is to distinguish between the regulatory and legal approaches to the interpretation of the definitions of "supervision" and "control"; to establish the general purpose of control and supervision over the activities of non-bank financial institutions; to consider the methods of regulatory and legal regulation of verification and identification of the client when concluding a loan agreement. The scientific discussion on the problem of legal regulation of control and supervision over the activities of non-banking financial institutions is presented. It is established that the need to form an effective state regulation of the development of the national economy and economic institutions in a market environment leads to the creation of an effective system of financial control. The concepts of "financial control" and "control function of finance" are distinguished. It is determined that the basis of the control function of finance is the movement of financial resources, and through the implementation of financial control the possibility of influencing the process of production, accounting and consumption is realized. The conclusion is made that rating agencies and credit history bureaus should become necessary elements of the system of state regulation and supervision by the National Bank of Ukraine over the activities of non-state financial institutions, which should occupy a mandatory place in information stories related to the regulation of supervision and the use of other administrative and legal means of control over the activities of non-state financial institutions. Results. The concepts of control and supervision over the activities of non-banking financial institutions are distinguished; the peculiarities of the formation of rating agencies and ensuring the effective operation of credit history bureaus are established; indicative criteria for assessing the necessary degree of supervision over the activities of a credit company were determined, which include: the book value of assets; market share of the credit company; the number of previous violations of the law. It is established that the main control and supervisory functions of the National Bank of Ukraine are: protection of clients' rights, compliance with the standards of service provision and requirements for their advertising; ensuring transparency and disclosure of information; ensuring impeccable business reputation of owners and managers; counteracting anti-competitive activities; combating abuse and illegal activities; control over the exercise of their powers.

How to Cite

Buha, V., Buha, H., & Yali, A. (2022). LEGAL REGULATION OF CONTROL AND SUPERVISION OF NON-BANKING FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 8(4), 26-33.
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control, supervision, financial institutions, economy, financial monitoring


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