Changes that are constantly taking place in the digital economy cause increasing instability of legislation in the field of data protection and security. For example, in Ukraine, under martial law, there is an urgent need to adapt the legal regulation to European data protection standards (in terms of personal data processing). First of all, the correlation between EU law, national law of the EU Member States and national legislation of the EU candidate countries results in the principle of direct effect of EU law. In addition, EU data protection law has become an essential source for EU Member States in regulating artificial intelligence (AI), e-commerce and the Internet of Things (IoT). The article considers the specific topic of the conditions of approximation of international norms and legislation of Ukraine to EU law, trying to answer the questions of personal data protection in the conditions of martial law that have arisen. This work is based on a comparative analysis of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 and internal data protection rules in Ukraine. At present, the research purpose of the article is to reveal the fact that data protection is a specific category of procedural law based on the principles of intellectual property law regarding data access rights and data ownership rights in the digital economy.
How to Cite
data protection standards, digital economy, General Data Protection Regulation, information security, intellectual property (IP), personal data
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