The subject of the study is the principles of the use of information and telecommunication technologies in the regulation of public relations in the field of scientific activity in terms of institutional support. Methodology. General scientific methods were used in the research process. The method of comparison was used in the selection and grouping of international standards related to the field of digital transformation. The analysis identified quantitative and qualitative parameters that characterize the specifics of the management activities of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine, the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine in modern conditions. Induction and deduction were used to determine approaches to the main dominants of the main areas of activity of central executive bodies in the field of scientific activity. The results of the study showed that the introduction and use of digital technologies in the field of scientific activity is a natural and necessary phenomenon, which is an integral element of the functioning of public authorities, creates conditions for the effective exercise of their powers, and contributes to the public interest in general. Conclusion. The characteristic of the state of provision of the sphere of scientific activity in terms of digitization in the existing institutional mechanism is established. The system of entities that are empowered in the field of scientific activity and / or authorized to use information and telecommunication means in the field of scientific activity is distinguished. The formation of science that stimulates the socio-economic development of the state was defined, achieved and tested through: the launch of the Telegram-bot "Info Science Bot", conducting free webinars in Ukrainian by Clarivate, opening of the ERA4Ukraine portal to provide information and support services to Ukrainian scientists, Ukraine's membership in the COST Association for the Financing of Innovation and Research Networks, implementation of the project "Advisory Fund to Support the EU-Ukraine Association", etc.
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the field of science, legal influence, public administration, digital technologies, institutional support, management entities
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