

Published: Oct 10, 2017

  Maryna Mavrina


Development of theoretical approaches of demand management is conducted from the moment of awareness of the importance of this concept. Many models of individual consumers were developed. However, to predict the reaction of consumers to the commercial policy of the enterprise, exact methods do not exist yet because the available ones are mostly empirical in nature. Models of behaviour often do not provide the expected result because they use an erroneous approach to the analysis of the mechanism of demand formation. The subject of the research is the theoretical and methodological basis, methods of assessment, and reflexive management of consumer demand of commercial enterprises. The purpose of the paper is developing a concept of reflexive management of consumer demand. To achieve the research goal, the following tasks are set and solved: to substantiate the theoretical and methodological foundations of reflexive consumer management, to analyse existing approaches to the modelling of consumer behaviour; to improve the model of consumer behaviour; to develop a concept of reflexive management of consumer behaviour. Methodology. In the paper, we use such methods and approaches to research as: reflexive approach (phenomenological method), behavioural economic theory, marketing approach, abstract-logical analysis, analysis of theoretical approaches to the modelling of consumer behaviour. Results. Modern approaches to modelling of consumer behaviour are mostly empirical in nature and have shortcomings of general models. In them, there is no description of specific situations of the purchase of goods. They cannot be quantified. Therefore, they cannot be practical models. But they have a weighty advantage in a comprehensive look at motivated purchases, what makes it possible to evaluate the relevance of individual variables and to understand the fundamental processes of consumer behaviour. It makes possible to identify the variables necessary for the research, gives rise to the construction of a hypothesis. Practical implications and originality of the results obtained are the development of the concept of reflexive management of consumer demand, which will allow taking into account personal preferences of potential customers in the activity of a commercial enterprise. The concept envisages the use in the practice of targeted impacts on consumer information channels and promotes competitive advantage. The model of the process of consumer acceptance of the purchase decision is improved, taking into account the personal preferences of the target consumer. The model of the process of consumer acceptance of the purchase decision is improved. All this allows us to determine the key steps in the decision-making process by the consumer with the aim of developing a complex of reflexive influences.

How to Cite

Mavrina, M. (2017). THE CONCEPT OF REFLEXIVE MANAGEMENT OF CONSUMER DEMAND. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 3(3), 38-46.
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consumer demand, consumer behaviour, model of consumer behaviour, demand management, marketing, reflexive management.


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