

Published: Mar 31, 2023

  Hanna Buha

  Dmytro Yevenko

  Vitalii Pastushenko


The purpose of this article is to define the concept and classification of non-bank financial institutions. Subject of the research – concept and classification of non-bank financial institutions. The concept of a non-banking financial institution is presented; the characteristics of a financial institution are defined; the classification of non-banking financial institutions has been carried out; the classification of financial intermediaries has been carried out; the concept of investment funds is defined; the classification of NFIs by lending method has been carried out; the functions performed by financial intermediaries between creditor and borrower are defined; the concept of a credit union is presented. Credit unions are a relatively new and under-studied type of financial institution. Looking at them in the context of the system of subjects of administrative law, it should be noted that they occupy a special place because, thanks to them and their activities, the state in a certain way performs its functions and tasks. Credit unions do not exist in a legal vacuum, they are not completely separated from the state, they are not subject to regulation by only one branch of the law, nor are they the subject of research in only one branch of the law. Credit unions are in constant close interaction with the state, its bodies, systematically feel its influence or the influence of the legal and political processes taking place in the state. Methodology – the article uses general scientific methods of formal logic (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, analogy, abstraction and modelling). Results. The concept of a non-banking financial institution is defined – as a legal entity that is not a bank, has a special legal status of a financial intermediary, is registered in the Unified State Register of Financial Institutions on the basis of a licence issued by the National Bank of Ukraine, provides one or more financial services in the markets of insurance, credit cooperatives, accumulating pension funds, attracting investments from business entities and the population; has been classified as a non-banking financial institution; has demonstrated that important elements of the system of administrative and legal regulation and supervision are in place: requirements for reporting by NFIs, conducting scheduled and unscheduled inspections of their activities and ensuring compliance with legal requirements, in particular by applying certain influence measures in case of detection of violations of legislation.

How to Cite

Buha, H., Yevenko, D., & Pastushenko, V. (2023). CONCEPT AND CLASSIFICATION OF NON-BANKING FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 9(1), 18-26.
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non-banking financial institution, the concept of a non-banking financial institution, classification of non-banking financial institutions


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