The article aims to determine the promising directions for the development of legal regulation in connection with the development of technologies of artificial intelligence and transhumanism and the economic impact of this development. Dangerous forecasts of technological development require analysis of prospects of legal regulation in this area. With the help of the "task-method-provision" methodology, the perspective tasks of legal regulation are formulated in connection with the hypothesis of artificial intelligence and in the context of the technological development of transhumanism. Legal regulation should ensure maximum diversification of technological choices. Technology should not be limited but, on the contrary, should be as diverse as possible. If the law creates conditions/requirements to create as many different technological solutions as possible, this will effectively prevent the development of negative impacts. The significance of the global problem becomes a question of legal safeguards for the effective development of the information environment. Vast amounts of information accumulated by humanity in a lifetime will require new legal mechanisms. Results. A method of assessing the prospects of legal regulation of social relations related to the use of technologies is proposed. It consists of consistent answers to questions concerning 1) the expediency of banning or regulating certain technologies, 2) the method of regulation, and 3) the ways of ensuring the implementation of norms regulating the development of technologies. The article substantiates the following theses: the impossibility of prohibiting the development of technology, the expediency of legal incentives for the efficient use and minimization of the risks of misuse of technology, the necessity to ensure the maximum diversification of technological solutions, the change of the range of legal professions against the background of the convergence of legal and technical sciences; legal guarantees for the efficient development of the economy and the information environment.
How to Cite
law, transhumanism, artificial intelligence, technological neutrality, informational environment, economic impact
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