

Published: Mar 31, 2023

  Maryna Kovbatiuk

  George Kovbatiuk

  Viktoriia Shkliar


Foreign trade is an important factor of economic growth and development of open economies. At the same time, the analysis of the state of foreign trade operations is becoming methodologically more complex due to the increase in the number of indicators used and the appearance of new ones. They allow not only to examine the effectiveness of the state trade policy, the set of goods and trade partners, but also to get an idea of the structure of the economy, the level of its development and competitiveness, as well as to assess the quality of the export and import baskets from the point of view of economic growth prospects. Therefore, it is advisable to use models of commodity export valuation, which determines the relevance of the chosen topic. The subject of the study is the methods and models of commodity export evaluation. The purpose of the article is the formation of a model for the evaluation of Ukraine's commodity exports to the integration associations of the world and its approval. Methodology. The theoretical and methodological basis of the conducted research is the dialectical method of cognition, the principles of system analysis and synthesis, statistical processing of information. The methods of structural dynamics were used for the analysis of statistical indicators of commodity exports for 2016-2020; the method of constant market share – for the evaluation of changes in commodity exports of Ukraine for the period under consideration; the method of scientific abstraction is used for the generalization of the obtained results and the formation of conclusions; the graphic method – for the visual presentation of the obtained research results. Results. The article proposes a model for assessing Ukraine's commodity exports to the world integration associations, the main component of which is the constant market share method (CMS analysis). This model is easy to use and allows a qualitative assessment of changes in Ukraine's commodity exports. Approval of the model and assessment of changes in commodity exports of Ukraine was carried out on the international statistical database UNCTADstat for 2016-2020. The data are aggregated into groups according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC). The following trading partners have been selected for the CMS analysis: EU-27, ASEAN+3, CIS and REST OF THE WORLD. The obtained results make it possible to assess the state of Ukraine's commodity exports and the level of its competitiveness in foreign markets. Practical implications. The practical implications are related to the possibility of using the proposed model for the evaluation of commodity exports, using various options for the classification of goods and integration associations – partners of the exporting country. Value / originality. The originality lies in the development of a model for the assessment of Ukraine's commodity exports to the world integration associations based on the Constant Market Share (CMS) method, which allows to determine to what extent exports change with the growth of the competitiveness of the goods of the exporting country.

How to Cite

Kovbatiuk, M., Kovbatiuk, G., & Shkliar, V. (2023). THE MODEL OF ASSESSMENT OF GOODS EXPORTS OF UKRAINE TO THE WORLD INTEGRATION ASSOCIATIONS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 9(1), 71-81.
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merchandise export valuation model, Constant Market Share – CMS, integration associations, international trade, commodity export, foreign trade activity


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