

Published: May 23, 2023

  Irakli Abashidze


In today's cluttered world, consumers often try to avoid receiving advertising messages through various communication channels. Interruptive advertising is losing its effectiveness. As a result, marketers must change their strategies to retain existing customers and attract new audiences. The purpose of this paper is to review various aspects of permission marketing and to outline some of the ways in which it can be used in practice. The object of the study is the concept of permission marketing and its influence on consumer behaviour. Similar to other marketing concepts, it is constantly changing and evolving. Observation is used as the primary methodology of the study. In addition, the literature review contributes to the analysis of various aspects of the issue. It is one of the concepts that can drastically change the way of communication and create innovative approaches to influence consumer behaviour. Today, online communication channels are the most favourable tools for implementing permission marketing policies. However, due to the fluctuating and unpredictable online environment, they can turn from opportunities into reasons for serious complications. Therefore, the concept introduced by Seth Godin in 1999 requires further theoretical research amidst the development of online communication technologies. Properly planned and executed, permission marketing campaigns can be effective in influencing consumer behaviour. However, it is a strategy designed for longer periods of time. Results. The paper provides a theoretical review of the main aspects of the permission marketing concept: the role of online communication channels, the peculiarities of consumer behaviour and the implementation of permission marketing strategies. In addition, the paper provides a multilateral analysis of the current characteristics of the concept. Finally, the paper proposes some recommendations on how to influence consumer behaviour through different online communication channels within the framework of permission marketing policies.

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permission marketing, consumer behaviour, online communication channels


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