

Published: Feb 9, 2018

  Iana Volkovska


Now the heads of enterprises have understood that management accounting is important for the decision-making process. It has a particular importance when enterprises because of the specifics of their activities and optimization of taxation, consist of several business entities, for example, hotel-restaurant complexes. However, it may be a situation when there is management accounting at the enterprise but managers do not receive the necessary information. Then there is a need to check the status of management accounting. Audit of management accounting is expensive, so there is a need for cheaper ways to determine the status of management accounting. This confirms the relevance of this study. The purpose of the work is the formation of a procedure for checking the status of management accounting at the enterprise. To achieve the goal, the method of expert evaluation was used. First of all, the author selected objects for checking the status of management accounting for the understanding what to focus on. Next, the author analysed the main approaches to checking the status of management accounting and how they can be used at the enterprises of the hotel-restaurant complex. The author, on the basis of the analysis, formed possible questions about the assessment of the status of management accounting, which were evaluated by experts on the basis of the scale proposed by the author. Expert evaluations were processed and ranked by the author. The result was a questionnaire for assessment of the status of management accounting at the enterprise, with the allocation of various aspects of accounting for the consideration of different issues. The author also developed recommendations for the answers to the questionnaire and the scale for the questionnaire, which allows drawing a conclusion about the completeness of the management accounting system. It makes a conclusion that this procedure of checking the status of management accounting at the enterprise helps to understand what issues are covered by the existing management accounting system and to what extent. However, this approach does not give an answer as to whether management accounting is correctly conducted because the essence of the procedure is in checking of the system’s provisioning, organization, confidentiality, and not checking of the quality of management accounting, which is the direction of further research.

How to Cite

Volkovska, I. (2018). INSPECTION OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING STATUS AT THE ENTERPRISE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 3(4), 24-31.
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management accounting, enterprise, hotel-restaurant complex, status, inspection.


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