

Published: Feb 1, 2016

  Oleksandra Lysiuk


The actual problem of modern economical theory and practice is a problem of guaranteeing of full employment. The aggravation of this problem during the economic crisis period stimulate the necessity of searching affective mechanism to overcome unemployment and development common form of labor. In the article the level of employment in 2005-2014 years, means of its increasing are investigated using recommendations of MOP, which were created especially for Ukraine. Statistical information from Ukrainian Government Statistical Agency was used some practical recommendations to stable situation of employment in the country were given. Methodology. Using the systematic approach the current state of employment rate in Ukraine was investigated and steps for development of labor market were found. Using the economic and statistical methods, the actual state of employment rate was studied. Information for the last 10 years about employment rate in Ukraine was studied. Information from web-site of Ukrainian Government Statistical Agency was used. Results. The results of the survey showed the rate of employment was rising from 2005 till 2008 years. After that this rate has been reducing till today. The reason of this employment crisis was determined and after that some practical recommendation about rising employment rate and stability situation at Ukrainian labor market were given. We recommend to develop some entrepreneurial activities in Ukraine, to develop self-employment, but there are many problems to start these activities. People, who want to start entrepreneurial activities have many problems with high level of taxes, with high level of payments to other social systems. And they can’t get credit, because of high percentage and short time. Many young people can’t start work without work experience. We recommend to introduce Government programs, where young people can start work with the smaller salary and get experience for developing their skills. Practical implications. We have researched the Ukrainian labor market and analyzed the statistical information about employment rate in the country. We have analyzed the reasons of unemployment and have recommended some actions about rising employment rate. Value/оriginality. The researching was provided for better understanding the situation at the Ukrainian labor market. After that the reasons of employment crisis were determined and the some actions for the development Ukrainian labor market were recommended.

How to Cite

Lysiuk, O. (2016). EMPLOYMENT OF POPULATION AS A BASIC INDEX OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF COUNTRY. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 1(1), 126-130. https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2015-1-1-126-130
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employment, labor market, qualification, employment rate, increase, sphere of employment.


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