

Published: Feb 9, 2018

  Andrii Karpenko

  Katerina Basenko


The purpose of this article is to highlight such concepts as high corporate, description of the motivational complex for building a highly effective culture, consideration of international practice in building a highly effective corporate culture, and report on the changes in corporate culture in the Ukrainian IT company. Methodology. The general scientific methods of cognition of economic phenomena and processes in their continuous development and interrelation are used in the work: logical analysis, methods of scientific abstraction, induction, deduction, optimization, grouping. Results. The main research in the field of motivating employees and building a corporate culture is systematized, the analysis of these exercises and methods is carried out, and the data received by scientists are practically confirmed. Practical implications. Practical application of obtained results is possible both on the scale of Ukraine and around the world. Building a highly effective corporate culture on the basis of a motivational complex (game, goal, self-realization, psychological and economic pressures and inertia) is extremely effective and fairly simple to apply. Value/originality. The results for the main five elements of the motive complex allow companies to test employees, involve them in the formation and development of a highly effective corporate culture.

How to Cite

Karpenko, A., & Basenko, K. (2018). HIGHLY EFFECTIVE CORPORATE CULTURE AS AN INSTRUMENT OF TALENTS’ ATTRACTING AND RETAINING. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 3(4), 101-106. https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2017-3-4-101-106
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enterprise, personnel, corporate culture, motivational levers, development.


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