

Published: Nov 17, 2023

  Tetiana Vlasenko

  Olena Havrylchenko

  Dmytro Lypovyi


Purpose of the article. The research is aimed at analysing the concept of organisational culture transformation and providing practical recommendations for the development and implementation of an effective model of organisational culture transformation that will encourage team members to perform at their best, ensuring customer satisfaction. Methodology. A system of general and unique methods of scientific knowledge was used in writing the current research. The method of content analysis was used in the literature review and its analytical research. The methods of scientific knowledge – induction, grouping and comparison for the formation of methodological connections were used to justify the choice of the research topic and to formulate its purpose. The method of generalisation was used to establish that in modern conditions the approaches to the organisational culture of business enterprises require immediate transformation, taking into account the conditions of digitalisation. The method of system analysis is used to determine strategic priorities for the transformation of organizational culture in the conditions of digitalization. The application of the method of modelling allowed to develop a model of transformation of the organizational culture in conditions of digitalization to promote the development of business enterprises and to influence the beginning of conditions of digitalization. The comparative legal method was used to identify the challenges to be considered when implementing the model of organisational culture transformation in business enterprises. Research conclusion. Strategic priorities for the transformation of organisational culture in the conditions of digitalisation are proposed. The reasons for transforming organisational culture in the context of digitalisation are highlighted. Challenges that can be considered when implementing the transformation model are predicted. The system of organisational culture transformation in the conditions of business digitalisation is developed. The model of transformation of organizational culture in conditions of digitalization is developed in order to promote the development of business strategies aimed at sustainable development of entrepreneurship and to influence the onset of conditions of digitisation in business.

How to Cite

Vlasenko, T., Havrylchenko, O., & Lypovyi, D. (2023). TRANSFORMATION OF ORGANISATIONAL CULTURE IN THE CONTEXT OF BUSINESS DIGITALISATION. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 9(4), 79-87.
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organisational structure, digital economy, business environment, innovation, information economy, technology, digital innovation, competitiveness, cultural development


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