

Published: Nov 17, 2023

  Nadiia Medvedenko

  Andrii Kuchuk

  Serhii Tryhub


The subject matter of the study is the conceptual, theoretical, empirical and methodological foundations of legal and economic aspects of administrative and legal support for the management of police activities in the context of economic integration. Methodology. The study uses general scientific and special methods of cognition. The dialectical method was used to analyse the essence of police management in the context of economic integration in both the legal and economic dimensions in a wide range of parameters. The analysis provided the basis for a multidimensional study of all the characteristic features of police management in the context of economic integration in economic and legal etymology. The synthesis created the basis for generalising the characteristic features of this police activity as a law enforcement agency. The formal legal method allowed for an accurate interpretation of the legal provisions defining the general and special legal framework for administrative and legal support of police management in the context of economic integration. The article aims at defining the essence of administrative and legal support for management of police activities in the context of economic integration and developing proposals for its improvement. The results of the publication show that the administrative and legal support of police management in the context of economic integration covers a number of comprehensive measures in various areas of activity of the relevant police unit, primarily aimed at ensuring economic security. The paper identifies areas for improving the administrative and legal support of police management in the context of economic integration, with a significant emphasis on lawmaking. Conclusion. In the context of economic globalisation, so-called transnational crimes play a significant role, including the creation of and participation in organised criminal groups, corruption offences, obstruction of justice, and money (income) laundering. The National Police of Ukraine is taking a number of measures to counteract unlawful manifestations in the economic sphere, which are largely components of transnational crime, by implementing appropriate management measures. In the context of administrative and legal support of the National Police, the article examines the structural elements of transnational crime and the powers of the police in this area. Some aspects related to combating crimes committed by organised groups and criminal organisations, corruption offences, economic crimes and the prevention of economic crime were highlighted. In order to overcome the negative manifestations of economic crime in the conditions of economic integration, relevant measures have been proposed, including: participation in legislative work, which should primarily incorporate the best practices of the international community in this area; development of the concept of service activities, which mediate the form and content of law enforcement activities in the economic sphere; improvement of management activities in combating manifestations of corruption in the economic sphere; creation of a qualified personnel potential in the relevant units of the National Police, whose activities are aimed at ensuring economic security in accordance with the above directions, etc. The paper provides proposals for improving the legislative definition of the concept of economic security and delineating the competence of national security entities in this area, including police units.

How to Cite

Medvedenko, N., Kuchuk, A., & Tryhub, S. (2023). ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGAL SUPPORT OF POLICE MANAGEMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF ECONOMIC INTEGRATION. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 9(4), 190-197.
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administrative and legal support, police management, National Police, economic security, corruption, economic integration


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