The subject of the research is the study of controlling as an integral part of project management in agricultural production. Methodology. The study used general scientific methods, in particular: theoretical generalisation; methods of analysis and synthesis; statistical analysis; graphical method (for visual display of the study results). The article presents results of substantiation of expediency of application of controlling in management of agricultural production projects. Сonclusion. Project management controlling is an essential tool for achieving success and sustainability in the implementation of projects, carrying out systematic planning, control and analysis of economic activities at the level of the entire organisation. The cooperation between controlling and project management is crucial for the effectiveness and efficiency of projects, and the implementation of controlling is a strategic step to achieve common strategic goals and increase the sustainability of the activity. Project management in agriculture requires specific approaches, and controlling is vital to achieving successful results. The key aspects of controlling are financial monitoring, adaptation to seasonality and project cycles, quality and standards monitoring, risk management and consideration of environmental approaches. Five key elements of project management controlling in the agricultural sector determine the effectiveness of project implementation. The schedule allows for accurate resource planning and control over project execution. Effective resource management helps to stay within the budget, risk analysis helps to avoid negative impacts, change control prevents unexpected expansion of the project scope, and measuring performance against critical indicators allows to evaluate project performance. The system of controlling is manifested in the union of all subsystems and blocks of controlling, where their interaction is aimed at the strategic goals of the company. This approach takes into account the importance of system integration and alignment with strategic goals for successful business management.
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controlling, project management, risks, threats, agro-industrial production
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