The analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise is aimed at assessing the strategic potential of the enterprise as a whole and its individual functional subsystems. The efficient activity of enterprise cannot be realized without a systematic definition and using the existing capabilities since, as a rule, the potential of the organization is higher than its actual implementation. It is not possible to put forward long-term goals, to form the most optimal strategy to achieve them without the characteristics of accumulated enterprises potential. From this point, the purpose of the paper is to study and establish the criteria that characterize the inner potential of the company during the implementation of assortment strategies. The method of evaluating of these indicators, as well as the selection of the assortment strategy according to the results has been suggested. Methods. The research of the internal potential of PJSC “Mykolaiv bakery № 1” is based on the expert questionnaire, which made it possible not only to identify a number of criteria for internal enterprises environment, which made it possible not only to identify a number of criteria for internal environment, as well as by experts to determine the parameter and boundary values of coefficients influencing the choice of the assortment strategy. The results of questionnaire showed that the main criteria of the characteristics of the internal potential of the company are: primary phases of the life cycle of the goods (were determined on the basis of the matrix "Market growth – Market Share"); prospects of producing the assortment groups of goods (calculated using the integral coefficient of goods assortment); changes in sales amount (described by trigonometric dependencies); degree of the goods assortment realization (evaluated using the coefficient of realization); assortments balance according to the Pareto rule (based on the Pareto rule, as well as expert survey); the level of liquidity and solvency of the company (calculated using the absolute liquidity ratio). Depending on the obtained limited parameters of coefficients were proposed following assortment strategies: a strategy for the elimination of the goods (the selection of such products, which look dubious from the point of view of the further attractiveness on the market and have to be re-certificated); the strategy of product differentiation (the process of developing a number of significant modifications of the product that make it different from the competitors goods), goods diversification strategy (production of additional products that will be offered to the new markets), a strategy of goods variations (based on a strategy of increasing the concentration of consumer’s usefulness effect from the using of goods). The practical significance. The research of the indicators of the internal potential of the enterprise allows to assess the internal strengths and weaknesses of the production realistically, to look for reserves, and therefore, to choose the optimal assortment strategy that will enable the company to maintain the level of competitiveness, and strengthen their competitive position in the industry. Value/originality. Obtained during research information can provide marketers of the investigated enterprise with more accurate information, received on the basis of a scientific approach that in prospect will allow to form effective assortment strategies.
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internal potential of the enterprise, assortment strategy, product life cycle, the prospects of production assortment, the change in sales volume, the index of assortments realization, assortments balance, the level of liquidity and solvency.
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