

Published: Feb 9, 2018

  Viktor Meglei


The subject of the author’s research is the processes of development of the agrarian sector of Ukrainian economy by ecological-economic specifications. The methodological justification is based on the use of fundamental principles that reflect the main strategies of agrarian development. The systematic approach to the characteristics of the agrarian system, complex by the structure and functional parameters in interaction with the external environment, is applied. Methods of analysis/synthesis are used for the disclosure of the integral nature of the agrarian environment in the context of management of the main processes. The purpose of the author’s research suggests a consideration of the processes of formation of the agrarian system by economic and environmental interactions as modern dominant in the development of the agrarian sector of Ukraine. The analysis of integral components of agrarian development with the reflection of interactions of the sphere of agrarian production and agrarian relations is carried out. The emphasis is made on the importance of the formation of an effective and promising domestic agricultural policy, in the basis of which is the activation of entrepreneurial initiatives, comprehensive development of the agrarian community, ecologically and socially oriented projects of reproduction of rural territories, innovative strategies of ecological and economic ascension of agriculture in Ukraine. The resource base is considered as the economic basis of agriculture from the standpoint of the main sales markets, the state of transport infrastructure, the growth of world and domestic demand for agrarian raw materials and finished products, and the availability of relatively cheap labour resources. The agrarian production is analysed from ecological positions and influences of natural and climatic factors. The state of individual agro-ecological mismatches in agriculture of Ukraine is explained, as well as the reasons of polluting impacts on the main natural spheres and some other unfavourable environmental actions. An attention is focused on the importance of reproduction of the Ukrainian agrarian sector on the basis of the adjustment of the system of state regulation and on the definition of the coordination mechanisms between the sphere of influence of the state and market elements of the national agrarian economy. The motivational goals, operating target facilities, main directions of administrative tasks for the development of the state regulation system based on economic and environmental criteria are substantiated. The importance of managerial approaches in the system of state regulation of the development of domestic agricultural production on the example of plant growing is specified. The dependency between the production of crops by gross collection, yield, and annual needs of the country are analysed, in particular, by the food and export potential of individual plant crops, etc. The analysis of the most important strategic positions for the development of the domestic agricultural sector in the system of state regulation of Ukraine for the near future is carried out. Corresponding conclusions to the author’s research are made, reflecting the analysed specifications of development of the agrarian sector of Ukrainian economy by ecological and economic indicators. At the same time, modern for Ukraine approaches are proposed in the field of agricultural management, as well as new regulatory accents to stimulate agrarian development in specific areas.

How to Cite

Meglei, V. (2018). SPECIFICATIONS OF ECOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR OF UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 3(4), 171-178. https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2017-3-4-171-178
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agrarian sector, agrarian system, public administration, market regulation, agrarian production, plant growing.


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