

Published: Feb 9, 2018

  Yuliya Pereguda


The purpose of this article is to generalize knowledge about the formation of the middle class in the region, practical aspects of this problem. The author shows details of formation strategy, its social aspects in the view of human geography. Also in this paper, the author discloses items in regional development studying, the role of society in it and its structure, tides between processes in society and features of regional placement of productive forces. The main goal of this article is to make an analysis of the middle class in the view of human geography; show aspects of the territorial organization of the middle class, their influence on the economic development. Another purpose of this article is to disclose the essence of the mechanism of interaction between middle class and regional development, the interrelation of these two various processes. The methodology of this article is based on the human geography conceptions. The author considers aspects of regional social and economic development of regions: theoretical justification of this process and the analysis of its examples of modern Ukrainian economic activity. The thesis of this analysis is that regional development in the country has to be based on a number of the basic principles (they are picked up for the concrete territory and proved). Results. The author pays attention to the social and economic methodology of research of the middle class and regional development. She considers features of spatial manifestation of the middle class, and also categories, which anyway characterize it. Also, the author makes an analysis of indicators of the middle class, which allow identifying it in its relation to other structural elements of society. Value. In the article, there are different points of view to strategy as a category, its role in economic policy and state development. Both strategies (development strategy for the territory and strategy as the instrument of regional policy in the country) are also analysed in details. In particular, it is shown how strategy can influence a decision for tasks of regional development, concentration of the available resources. There is analysed in details the available experience of realization of this approach in practice of regional Ukrainian policy. Also, the author describes special cases when regional development and intensive growth of some industry branches did not promote either increase in the middle class or increase in the level of the general wellbeing. In conclusions, the author has noted the prospect of using such a tool as the strategy of the middle-class formation, management of regional development, and potential opportunities in the solution of the available obstacles. The author proves that at our days in Ukraine, increase in the number of the middle class is the most effective tool for the economic growth and regional development.

How to Cite

Pereguda, Y. (2018). MIDDLE-CLASS FORMATION STRATEGY IN THE REGION: PRACTICAL ASPECTS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 3(4), 199-205. https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2017-3-4-199-205
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human geography, quality of life, middle class, strategy, region, regional development.


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