

Published: Feb 9, 2018

  Zhanna Sydorova

  Sergey Yakubovskiy


The purpose of the study is to examine the role of London as the global financial center in the modern international financial system under the conditions of Britain's withdrawal from the European Union. Methodology. During the study, the comparative method, methods of statistics and economic-mathematical modeling were used. The methodological and theoretical basis of the study is the fundamental provisions of international economic relations, the study of economists in the field of international monetary and financial relations. Information basis is analytical reports of international financial centers and statistical databases of international organizations. Results. Nowadays, London has all the necessary factors for success: open economy, developed financial infrastructure, stability of taxation system, geographical location, long-term government support, transparent policy, investor diversity and multi-culture. It is revealed that a growing variety of financial instruments is a characteristic feature of London as a modern global financial center. As a result, London is gradually winning the battle for the title of the world's leading financial center. The Government of the United Kingdom constantly develops growth strategies of the City of London, creates favorable conditions for the work of international companies, and attracts highly qualified specialists from other countries in the field of finance and law. The competent policy of the state and the wide range of services provided for the successful transactions on stock exchanges and commodity markets help London to maintain undisputed leadership in the global financial market and minimize losses associated with Brexit. At the same time, the decision of the UK to withdraw from the EU had a negative impact on the stability of the country's banking system, it had provoked a decline in the country's credit ratings, a drop in the pound sterling against the dollar and the euro. Another problem for the City of London was the speculation around the loss of multinational companies that might prefer Frankfurt, after the completion of the UK's exit from the EU. Regression analysis revealed that the FTSE 100 index is influenced by such indicators: the industrial production index, the short-term interest rate and the money supply. It was revealed that the current stability of the UK financial system is related to the yield of government securities: a decrease in yield leads to an increase in the stability of the financial system. Practical implications. The study showed that London still remains the most significant financial center in the world, despite concerns about the massive loss of investors and capital as a result of Brexit. In the future, one can expect a strengthening of the pound sterling and higher policy of the Bank of England than in the euro zone, increase of interest rates and a reduction in the tax rates, due to the final withdrawal from the EU, the UK government will no longer have to meet the Maastricht criteria. On the other hand, the UK is not going to enter the EU Banking Union, which will maintain a fairly high level of liberalization in the country's banking system. All this, in turn, will make London even more attractive for national and foreign investors. Value. The role and place of London in the modern global economy and the interest of investors from different countries in the City of London determine the value of this research in the context of the current development of the global financial market and the possible consequences of Brexit, which in the long run are mostly positive.

How to Cite

Sydorova, Z., & Yakubovskiy, S. (2018). DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS OF LONDON AS THE WORLD’S FINANCIAL CENTER IN THE CONDITIONS OF BREXIT. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 3(4), 238-243.
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international financial center, United Kingdom, City of London, economic development, financial market indicators, Brexit.


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