

Published: Jun 10, 2024

  Nataliia Bilak

  Yuliya Voitenko

  Iryna Kozii


The subject of the study is the segmental manifestation of the rule of law principle and its elements in the activities of justice authorities, courts and public associations, taking into account the economic basis of its influence. The purpose of the study is to examine the forms of manifestation of the rule of law principle and its individual elements in the activities of justice and court authorities, to clarify the role of the public in its practical application, and to identify opportunities for its economic support. Methodology. The study used general scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge: the method of system analysis, the dialectical method, the formal logical method, the structural and functional method, as well as a number of empirical methods. In particular, the method of comparison was used to determine the transformation of penitentiary bodies and their transformation into penitentiary justice bodies. The results of the study demonstrated the need for: qualitative consideration of the aspect of ensuring the correction of a convicted person after serving his or her sentence; involvement of representatives of civil society institutions in the resocialisation processes; and identification of potential ways to implement effective reforms that can increase the efficiency and fairness of the judiciary. Conclusion. The article reveals the relationship between the transformation of the penal system into the penitentiary system and the implementation of the rule of law in this area and its comprehensive enforcement. It is noted that the criminal executive system takes into account the aspect of ensuring the serving of sentences, and in the penitentiary system, which operates under the rule of law, the authors additionally identifies such a qualitative component as ensuring the correction of a convicted person after serving his/her sentence and his/her resocialisation. It was found that the economic rationale for the transformation of the judiciary based on the rule of law consists in reducing the costs of: court functioning due to the possibility of digitalization of the preparatory stages before the court hearing and the holding of court hearings in videoconference mode; reducing costs for the court apparatus through optimization of its functions; reducing the number of court cases due to active mediation and other possible options for resolving disputes peacefully, etc. It is noted that justice in judicial proceedings means not only formal compliance with the law, but also the exercise of rights and freedoms of individuals with due regard for equality, objectivity and impartiality. The authors prove that non-governmental organisations are an important institution capable of promoting the principle of justice as an integral element of the rule of law, since they ensure the right to apply to court and the right to protection of members and third parties. The role of the public in shaping the economic basis for reforms and the proper functioning of state bodies was also highlighted. It is noted that national legislation needs to be amended in terms of granting NGOs the right to apply to court in the interests of third parties, in particular, in cases where a person is unable to protect his or her rights for valid reasons. The study analyses the fundamental provisions on economic support for the implementation of the rule of law in various spheres of public relations.

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rule of law principle, principles of functioning, legal framework, penitentiary bodies, penal system, justice, judicial practice, international standards, mechanism of application, public associations, public organisations, economic security, potential, investments


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