The relevance of research on the conceptual foundations of personnel strategy formation in industrial enterprises under the conditions of digitalisation appears to be very relevant, which is due to the following factors. The digital transformation of industrial enterprises leads to the emergence of new technologies, processes and personnel requirements. The HR strategy must adapt to these changes in order to ensure that the company has the necessary qualifications and skills. Under the conditions of digitalisation, the demand for specialists in the field of information technologies and digital data processing is increasing. Companies need to develop strategies to attract, retain and develop such personnel in order to remain competitive. Digital technologies make it possible to automate and optimise business processes, so the HR strategy must reflect these changes and take into account the new roles and requirements for personnel. As technologies and processes change, there is a need for continuous training and development of personnel. The HR strategy should include training and development programmes aimed at increasing digital skills. Studying the conceptual foundations of personnel strategy development in the conditions of digitalisation will help companies to effectively adapt to contemporary challenges and ensure their competitiveness. The purpose of the article is to disclose the conceptual foundations of forming a personnel strategy at industrial enterprises in the context of digitalisation. The methodology of the study is an interdisciplinary approach based on the idea of effective development of an industrial enterprise as a sociotechnological system, which allowed to combine systemic knowledge that will help to understand how social factors affect the implementation of technologies and the development of the enterprise as a whole. The enterprise as a complex social and technological system should be analysed within the framework of the socio-humanistic approach, which is based on the recognition of the human being as the subject and object of all processes. In the context of a socio-humanistic approach to business analysis, it is important to address aspects related to social relations, human needs and values, and the interaction between employees and management. The fundamental principles of the socio-humanistic approach, such as taking into account the individual needs of employees, supporting their development and satisfaction from professional activities, can be applied to the analysis of an enterprise's performance. This means that the efficiency and success of an organisation is assessed not only by financial indicators, but also by the level of satisfaction and development of its employees. Studying the social interactions, communication and psychological climate of the team can help to understand what factors contribute to or hinder the effective functioning of the organisation. This approach allows to see the company as a living, organic system in which human relationships and values play an essential role. The study opens up the possibility of integrating different scientific disciplines, such as sociology, technology, economics, psychology and management, in order to understand the complex relationships in today's industrial companies. The implementation of the recommendations will help companies improve the efficiency of personnel management, provide the necessary human resources and meet the requirements of the modern market. The research generates new knowledge in the field of personnel management and digitalisation, has direct practical application for companies in increasing their competitiveness and stability in the market.
How to Cite
conceptual dimensions, personnel strategies, industrial enterprises, digitalisation, digital transformation, digital optimisation
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