The modern agricultural sector is going through a period of intense transformation caused by both internal and external factors. In the context of active globalisation, business entities are forced to withstand fierce competition and therefore need to constantly adapt to the environment. This creates an urgent need for agribusiness enterprises to constantly improve their approaches and mechanisms of operation. Continuous adaptation requires flexibility, innovation and strategic thinking. Changes in the economic, political and technological landscape require businesses to respond quickly to new opportunities and challenges to ensure their competitiveness and sustainability. This constant process of adaptation is becoming a prerequisite not only for success, but also for survival in today's global business environment. The purpose of the article is to develop an innovative mechanism for improving the competitiveness of agribusiness enterprises. Methodology. The methodological basis of the study, which objectively reveals and substantiates the problem of increasing the competitiveness of agro-industrial enterprises using the model of the innovation mechanism, is based on such special and general scientific methods as: monographic, logical-theoretical, statistical and economic-mathematical, visualisation, system analysis, neural network modelling, logical generalisation, abstraction and conclusion formation. The information base of the study was formed by the materials of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, statistical yearbooks, scientific developments of scientists on the defined topic, and financial statements of the studied enterprises. The subject and object basis of the study is the entrepreneurial activity of agricultural enterprises in Vinnytsia Oblast: Agricultural complex "Zelena Dolyna", PJSC "Dashkivtsi", LLC "Selyshchanske", FE "Yavir", FE "IRYNA – O.T". The results of the study have shown that the innovation mechanism, which consists in ensuring the management of innovative development of agribusiness enterprises, involves adjusting the business environment of an economic entity to achieve a cumulative effect from the efficient use of innovative and energy potentials. The paper emphasises that the cumulative effect means that the effect of the interaction of innovation and energy resources exceeds the simple effect of the impact of each of them separately. Practical implications. The authors calculated the indicators of competitiveness of the studied agricultural enterprises of Vinnytsia Oblast; assessed the level of innovation potential of these enterprises; determined the indicators of energy potential. On the basis of the obtained diagnostic results, a fuzzy knowledge base has been formed and a multicomponent decision-making system has been built for various combinations of values of the components of the innovation mechanism.
How to Cite
agricultural complex, enterprise, competitiveness, innovation mechanism, sustainable development, biofuels, energy independence
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