

Published: Sep 20, 2024

  Olena Hafurova

  Volodymyr Yermolenko

  Tamara Novak


The relevance of the study of the economic and legal nature of the minimum tax liability is due to several factors. Firstly, being relatively new for Ukraine, this type of tax has not yet been sufficiently studied by scholars. Secondly, due to the specifics of the object of taxation, the introduction of the minimum tax liability significantly affects the taxation of farmers – owners of agricultural land and land users, producers of agricultural products, who are among the most vulnerable segments of the population. Thirdly, such a reform of the tax burden on business entities in agriculture, as one of the sectors most affected by Russia's armed aggression, requires a thorough analysis of its timeliness and appropriateness. This necessitates a study of theoretical and practical aspects, potential risks of introducing the minimum tax liability, as well as the formulation of proposals for solving problematic issues in this area, which is the purpose of the study. The research methodology includes a number of methods of scientific knowledge: the philosophical (dialectical) method, general scientific methods (the method of analysis and the formal logical method), as well as methods related to special scientific methods (formal legal and comparative legal). Results. The study of the economic and legal nature of the minimum tax liability concluded that there is a tendency to expand the range of taxpayers. In particular, at the expense of individuals – members of private farms. The article proves that such innovations lead to the loss of existing tax privileges for farms and increase the tax burden for these entities. The authors identify the risks of introducing a minimum tax liability, including incentives for farmers to alienate agricultural land or transfer it to other persons, alienation of farmers from the main means of production, and increased unemployment. It is established that the introduction of the minimum tax liability under the existing conditions is a violation of the fundamental principles of tax legislation of Ukraine. The generalisations obtained can be used to amend the tax legislation and will be useful in conducting scientific research on tax and agricultural legal relations.

How to Cite

Hafurova, O., Yermolenko, V., & Novak, T. (2024). THE ECONOMIC AND LEGAL NATURE OF THE MINIMUM TAX LIABILITY. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 10(3), 111-118.
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agricultural producers, taxation, land payment, private households, farmers' rights, agricultural land, tax policy


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