International educational mobility plays a crucial role in the advancement of science and education, with far-reaching implications for socio-economic development. The growing number of internationally mobile students intensifies competition among host countries, which goes beyond the market for educational services. In the long run, it is the competition for human capital that is crucial for economic development. This study aims to deepen the understanding of educational tourism as a distinct form of educational mobility. The article reviews the literature and analyses existing approaches to the definition of educational tourism. By analysing different types of educational mobility, the paper proposes a classification based on the goals, age of travellers and stages of career development that better emphasises the unique features of educational tourism. Taking into account the interdisciplinary nature of educational tourism, the paper considers it within the framework of the concept that the authors call "MET: Mobility, Education, Tourism". This approach allowed the authors to propose a definition of educational tourism that better reflects the nature of this phenomenon and distinguishes it from other types of educational mobility. The authors have identified key factors that influence the development of educational tourism, including technological progress, globalisation of education, economic factors, government initiatives, educational innovations and current trends in the labour market. Based on the findings, this paper offers principles for promoting educational tourism, emphasising the concept of Tourist Lifetime Value (TLV). This approach takes a long-term view of educational travel, taking into account the potential for lifelong learning and repeat visits. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of educational tourism, providing a basis for developing effective strategies to stimulate its growth and enhance its positive socio-economic impact on both host and home countries.
How to Cite
educational tourism, academic tourism, academic mobility, educational mobility, scientific and educational tourism, educational migration, Tourist Lifetime Value (TLV)
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