

Published: Sep 20, 2024

  Mykola Tyshlek

  Olena Shyshkarova

  Viktor Kovalenko


The research is devoted to the study of topical issues of economic crime prevention under martial law in Ukraine. The paper presents a systematic analysis of the state of research on topical issues of economic crime prevention and its methodological tools. The insufficient level of research into the problems of economic crime prevention and the validity of preventive measures has an extremely negative impact on society, especially in the difficult times of martial law in Ukraine. The urgency of the problem is also growing due to the long-overdue need to improve the legal acts regulating the prevention of economic crime. An analysis of the functioning of state bodies in recent years has shown that the defined national security and defence strategy does not fully ensure the compliance of Ukraine's security sector in a scientifically sound and practical sense. A study of the state and trends of economic crime has shown a sharp increase in the number of this type of criminal offence, especially fraud, under martial law. It is also established that a significant part of economic crime in Ukraine is latent crime, the main reasons for which are the reluctance of the victims (mostly due to circumstances beyond their control), and in most cases the inability to report the offence committed against them, mainly in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

How to Cite

Tyshlek, M., Shyshkarova, O., & Kovalenko, V. (2024). CURRENT ISSUES OF ECONOMIC CRIME PREVENTION IN THE CONTEXT OF MARTIAL LAW IN UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 10(3), 327-331.
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economic crime, martial law, crime prevention, fraud, economic crimes


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