The purpose of this paper is to conduct a comprehensive study of economic security in the EU Member States and Ukraine, to identify differences and to propose targeted policy interventions based on these differences. Methodology. The study uses a quantitative strategy that assigns numerical ratings to countries based on their performance against predefined thresholds for various economic security indicators. These indicators include industrial security, demographic security, energy security, foreign trade security, investment and innovation security, macroeconomic security, food security, social security and financial security. The study uses data from a variety of sources and applies a ranking system to reflect the level of economic security in each category. Results. The analysis revealed significant differences in the levels of economic security between EU Member States and Ukraine. The main findings include differences in agricultural efficiency, healthcare system efficiency, renewable energy consumption, trade balance, research and development expenditure, and socio-economic factors. For example, countries such as Belgium and Ireland have high yields, while Cyprus and Romania have much lower yields. Life expectancy and the quality of healthcare also vary: Spain and Sweden lead the way, while Bulgaria and Ukraine lag behind. Practical implications. The findings suggest the need for targeted policies and technological advances to improve economic security. For the younger generation, marketing strategies based on brand equity and exclusivity can continue even during economic downturns. For the older generation, strategies that focus on value for money or lower prices may be more effective. Understanding these metrics can help businesses align their strategies with national economic priorities and identify potential areas for investment and growth. Value / Оriginality. This study contributes to the existing literature by providing a detailed comparative analysis of economic security in the EU Member States and Ukraine, filling a gap in the understanding of the multifaceted aspects of economic security in these regions.
How to Cite
comparative analysis, economic sustainability, economic security, economic threats, gender security, security indicators, EU Member States, Ukraine
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