

Published: Feb 9, 2018

  Yuliia Shapoval


The research objective is the sight of theoretical aspects formulation and prediction of competitiveness of regions within the framework of modern marketing positions. The evolution, programs, strategies, and factors of marketing are analysed, which affects the attractiveness of the regions. Methodology. In the study process, a combination of the following methods is used: generalization and scientific abstraction to specify the key definitions and categories, monographic method – for presenting the opinion of scientists regarding the directions of application of marketing tools in the process of managing the competitiveness of regions, comparative analysis – to detect features of application programs and marketing strategies. Results. It is considered that regional marketing is a mechanism that provides a methodology and tools for ensuring the competitiveness of the territory. It allows determining the marketing type of territorial management, which is formed not from the wishes of the authorities (for example, in search for funds for the implementation of certain projects), but from the study of the needs of consumers (entrepreneurs, local residents, investors, tourists), which the territory has the opportunity to satisfy; analyse the market opportunities and determine the competitive advantages of the territory, as well as influence the sustainable economic growth. It is determined that the competitiveness of the region is defined as a potential opportunity to win in a competition between territories for the benefits that satisfy needs and are distributed among the population and business entities that identify themselves with the region, as well as visitors who have certain intentions in this region. In fact, we are talking about the choice of priorities, in which this territory has competitive advantages, the raise of which can lead to heightening living standards, which is an indicator of the competitiveness of the region. The practical implication. According to the concept of marketing, goals of the region, especially long-term, can only be achieved through the study of the consumer demand, therefore, it requires: to study not the production capacity but market needs and develop plans for their fulfilment; bind the goals and resources of the region; evaluate external influences on the territory; focus on the long term.

How to Cite

Shapoval, Y. (2018). THE MARKETING ROLE IN IMPROVING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF THE REGION. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 3(4), 289-293.
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regional marketing, competitiveness, branding, image of region.


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