This research explores the nexus of audio branding and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), a substantial sector representing 90% of global businesses yet one that remains largely underrepresented in the context of audio branding. The primary research question is as follows: what are the possibilities of audio branding for small and medium-sized businesses, and how should such enterprises use it? The objective of this research is twofold: firstly, to highlight the potential of audio branding for SMEs; and secondly, to develop a comprehensive guidance model tailored to assist these enterprises in implementing effective audio branding strategies. The research approach is multi-faceted, encompassing a theoretical analysis of audio branding concepts, empirical research into current practices, and the creation of a practical, SME-specific guidance model. The study employs a range of methodologies, including the analysis and synthesis of scientific literature, a comparative analysis of diverse concepts and approaches, qualitative case studies, and in-depth interviews with experts in the field of sonic branding. The research employs these methodologies with the objective of filling the existing gap between the field of audio branding and its application within SMEs. The objective is to provide SMEs with a valuable tool to leverage the benefits of audio branding, thus contributing to a more inclusive and diverse sonic branding landscape. The research findings indicate that the restricted deployment of audio branding among SMEs is predominantly attributable to resource limitations, scepticism and difficulties in quantifying the return on investment (ROI). To address these issues, the research proposes a comprehensive four-step audio branding guide. This unique guidance model is designed to help SMEs effectively integrate audio branding into their marketing and branding strategies, taking into account their specific contexts and challenges. By following this guidance model, SMEs can overcome the barriers to adopting audio branding and unlock its potential to enhance brand identity and customer engagement in a cost-effective and impactful way.
How to Cite
audio brand, sonic brand, audio branding
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