Glorification of the enemy during wartime is one of the most dangerous social phenomena threatening the existence of the state. It indicates a lack of national unity in defending the country's independence and creates favourable conditions for the enemy in the disputed territories, as well as a basis for collaboration and state treason. The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive assessment of the phenomenon of glorification of the Russian aggression against Ukraine and its participants, to examine its socio-legal, economic and criminological dimensions, and to develop an effective prevention model. The research methodology is based on a systematic approach, whereby empirical data on this phenomenon is meticulously analysed using a variety of scientific tools, including systemic-structural, formal-logical, analytical, synthetic, comparative, statistical, and specific sociological methods. The analysis of glorification from a social-legal perspective reveals the absence of a methodology to quantify the value of losses related to statehood and national identity, which are direct consequences of glorification. From an economic standpoint, the assessment of the impact of glorification encompasses both direct and indirect costs, including judicial expenses and the maintenance of convicts, which are estimated to amount to approximately 1 million USD per year. The criminological evaluation examines the motivations of those who glorify criminal acts and the channels through which they disseminate harmful ideas. Social networks and messengers have been identified as the primary mediums through which such ideas are propagated, thereby posing a threat of widespread dissemination of hostile ideologies. The conclusion emphasises the necessity of concentrating countermeasures on the utilisation of information technologies and the reinforcement of information awareness and resilience within Ukrainian society and the state.
How to Cite
armed aggression, glorification, economic damage, criminal offence, hybrid warfare, information space, price of glorification of the aggressor, propaganda, hostile ideology
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