

Published: Dec 12, 2017

  Iryna Ksonzhyk

  Maryna Dubinina


The research objective is to study and summarize the experience of the European Union countries in the field of public procurement monitoring; to study the activities that form its mechanism; to analyse forms of monitoring. Also, the current state, problems and prospects of creation and implementation of the mechanism for public procurement monitoring in Ukraine are studied; administrative and corruption risks are revealed. Methodology. Theoretical and methodological backgrounds of the research are formed on the basis of the provisions, categories, and concepts of economic theory, national and world economy, strategic development of public procurement, modelling. Laws and regulations that are regulators of the public procurement system and its monitoring, the works of domestic and foreign scientists on investigated issues were of greater importance. The system-structural analysis and synthesis, general scientific methods and methods of economic research are used to analyse and evaluate the phenomena and processes that accompany the functioning of the public procurement market and the mechanism for its monitoring. In particular, historical and dialectical methods (when studying the development of public procurement system in Western countries, the definition of stages and trends in its formation, the development and adoption of treaties for the regulation of public procurement within the European Union); method of expert assessments (for assessing the regulatory and legal support for public procurement monitoring); abstractlogical method (when establishing the factors for the formation of a monitoring mechanism in the field of public procurement in Ukraine, in particular, the institutional and organizational-economic features of its implementation, when assessing the criteria and performance indicators for the functioning of the monitoring system and its impact on the public procurement market, for theoretical generalization and conclusions formation). Results. The results of the research showed that the system of public procurement in the member countries of the European Union and its monitoring processes are still in the process of reforming, despite being the most organized, open, and predictable in the world. At the same time in Ukraine, the process of developing and implementing a mechanism for monitoring public procurement is only a few years old. At the same time, the development of the field of public procurement and the mechanism for its monitoring is accelerating, which is conditioned both by the position of civil society and by the presence of significant corruption risks. Practical implications. The study of the experience of the public procurement monitoring system in the EU countries makes it possible to use the result (in the form of conclusions and generalizations) to adapt foreign monitoring instruments to the domestic realities of the public procurement market in order to achieve maximum effect in the form of budgetary savings. Value/originality. Harmonization of the organizational and economic mechanism for public procurement and its monitoring in the countries of the European Union and Ukraine will provide a mutual opportunity for both foreign and domestic economic entities to become full participants in the public procurement markets; will make procurement, conducted in Ukraine, clear and accessible to foreign participants.

How to Cite

Ksonzhyk, I., & Dubinina, M. (2017). MONITORING OF THE ACTIVITY OF PUBLIC PROCUREMENT SYSTEM IN COUNTRIES OF EUROPEAN UNION AND UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 3(5), 238-243.
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monitoring, public procurement, observations, directives, regulatory framework, procedure, electronic platforms.


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