

Published: Dec 17, 2024

  Iryna Kalenyuk

  Antonina Djakona

  Yevgen Panchenko


The subject of the article is the theoretical aspects of defining the concept of "knowledge ecosystem". The purpose of this article is to elucidate the fundamental characteristics, constituents, and manifestations of the knowledge ecosystem. The authors employ a system-structural analysis to examine the evolution of conceptualisations of the terms "ecosystem" and "knowledge ecosystem". The methodology of scientific abstraction and generalisation permitted an investigation into the evolution of the knowledge ecosystem, the definition of its essence and the formalisation of various configurations. The study concludes that there is a growing need to substantiate the concept of the "knowledge ecosystem" due to the increasing transformational role of knowledge in ensuring modern social development. Conversely, the advent of the latest digital technologies (which are themselves valuable knowledge and the result of the knowledge creation process) has led to a revolutionary spread, with all processes, the entire chain of knowledge creation, dissemination and use undergoing changes and transformation. It is proposed that an understanding of the knowledge ecosystem be conceptualised as a system of a consistent and dynamic processes of creation, dissemination and use of knowledge at different levels, which is carried out on the basis of sustainable development, self-regulation, environmental friendliness, synergy, and so forth. The authors argue that the knowledge ecosystem should be perceived as a complex and multidimensional phenomenon, with meanings that vary depending on the level, nature and type of knowledge, forms of manifestation and goal orientation. The paper presents a comprehensive vision of the knowledge ecosystem in the aggregate of all its manifestations: the knowledge ecosystem can be formed at the micro (e.g., corporate knowledge ecosystem, university knowledge ecosystem, etc.), macro- (national knowledge ecosystem) and global levels (global knowledge ecosystem); depending on different ways of organisation, a hierarchical, chain, network or platform knowledge ecosystem can be formed; different knowledge ecosystems can be formed depending on the actors (subjects) involved; for different purposes (ecosystems can be aimed at creating new knowledge, and the ultimate goal can be the creation of new value), etc. The key issue in the study and functioning of knowledge ecosystems is their efficiency and focus on the final result. The knowledge ecosystem is formed not only by the totality of all the main actors involved in the process of creating, disseminating and using knowledge, but also largely depends on the system of relations and connections, which in modern conditions are reaching a new level – the level of networks and platforms, creating a favourable environment. The main features of a knowledge ecosystem are: systemicity, environmental friendliness, renewability, sustainability, self-regulation, synergy and emergence. Prospects for studying the functioning of effective knowledge ecosystems prove the relevance of further development of this issue and leave considerable room for further analysis.

How to Cite

Kalenyuk, I., Djakona, A., & Panchenko, Y. (2024). UNDERSTANDING THE KNOWLEDGE ECOSYSTEM: CORE AND FORMS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 10(4), 229-244. https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2024-10-4-229-244
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ecosystem, entrepreneurial ecosystem, digital ecosystem, digital entrepreneurial ecosystem, networked knowledge ecosystem


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