

Published: Dec 17, 2024

  Iryna Moskvichenko

  Viktoriia Stadnik

  Liudmyla Kushnir


Improving the quality management system in the transport and logistics sector is a critical element in ensuring efficient operations, reducing costs and improving customer service. Quality management in logistics covers all aspects of transportation, storage, handling and delivery of goods, which requires a systematic approach to achieve high standards of service. This topic is becoming increasingly relevant in the context of globalised markets, when competition between businesses depends on the ability to deliver goods to the end consumer quickly and efficiently. The study examines the main methods of improving the quality management system, including the implementation of international standards such as ISO 9001, the use of modern logistics technologies, process automation and the digitalisation of the transport system. One important aspect is the optimisation of supply chain management, which helps to reduce costs and increase productivity at all stages of logistics processes. The study also analyses the role of innovative solutions, such as the use of artificial intelligence and Internet technologies, in improving the efficiency of logistics operations. These technologies do not allow real-time tracking of processes, which impairs the increased transparency and accountability of transport operations. Particular attention is paid to the implementation of Lean and Six Sigma approaches, which can eliminate inefficiencies, reduce defects and improve the overall quality of transport and logistics operations. The novelty of this study lies in an integrated approach to improving the quality management system in the transport and logistics sector, taking into account modern technological trends such as digitalisation, automation and the use of innovative management tools. Unlike previous studies that have mostly focused on individual aspects of quality or technologies, this paper proposes the integration of new management methods that cover all key elements of transport and logistics processes. The results of the study demonstrate that improving the quality management system not only ensures the competitiveness of enterprises, but also provides better compliance with customer expectations, which is a key factor for success in today's market. The application of a systematic approach to quality management allows logistics and transport companies to achieve significant improvements in productivity, reliability and efficiency, which ultimately increases business profitability. The significance of the work lies in its contribution to the development of both the theory and practice of transport and logistics management. In the theoretical aspect, the study forms new approaches to optimising the quality of logistics processes by introducing modern management concepts and technological innovations that increase efficiency. In practical terms, this work will contribute to the creation of more sustainable, safe and environmentally responsible logistics systems that meet the modern requirements of the market and society. Thus, improving the quality management system in the transport and logistics sector is a strategic direction of development that ensures the long-term efficiency and sustainability of organisations in a competitive environment.

How to Cite

Moskvichenko, I., Stadnik, V., & Kushnir, L. (2024). IMPROVEMENT OF THE QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN THE TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS SECTOR. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 10(4), 301-309.
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quality management, logistics, transport systems, process optimisation, standardisation, supply chain management, transport efficiency, logistics innovation


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