

Published: Dec 17, 2024

  Yana Tytska


The article underscores the fact that pivotal elements of international legal collaboration in the context of scientific endeavours, pertinent research, and exploration have yet to attain a systematic framework. This is not only the case in the context of modern international public law, but also in relation to the implementation of relevant supranational requirements in Ukrainian legislation, which has arisen from international treaty interactions involving Ukraine. The author has demonstrated that, despite the existence of relevant analyses of supranational standards for scientific co-operation in the works of European and American researchers, particularly concerning treaties on scientific collaboration and their national implementation, these issues have not been extensively explored within the framework of Ukrainian legislation. Concurrently, it is imperative to undertake a thorough and comprehensive examination of the models and formats pertaining to the implementation of universal and European treaty models of supranational influence on scientific research and Ukrainian laws and regulations. The article introduces an economic dimension by analysing the potential impact of international scientific co-operation on the national economy, with a particular focus on the ways in which the effective integration of international standards can enhance Ukraine's economic competitiveness in global scientific and technological markets. The paper elucidates the pivotal role of scientific research as a catalyst for economic growth and innovation. It illustrates the economic importance of harmonising national legislation with international treaty models to optimise scientific funding, resource allocation and technological advancement. The article's primary focus is on the reflection of aspects of international scientific interaction in national legal regulations concerning scientific research. The objective is to identify the characteristics of the implementation of pertinent international standards into the national legal framework, including their evolution, systematic approach, and classification. The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the challenges and paradoxes encountered by Ukraine in the process of integrating universal and European standards for scientific activity and co-operation into its national legal framework, with a view to establishing a sustainable process. It also examines the dynamics of the grounds and format for improving national legislation. In this study, the author employed a range of analytical techniques, including programmatic, predictive, formal-legal, hermeneutic, comparative, and systemic methods, to examine the relevant Ukrainian legislative acts. Furthermore, structural methods, a comprehensive methodology of analysis and synthesis, and approaches of scientific induction and deduction were employed. The author's findings indicate that Ukraine's current legislative framework governing science and scientific activities exhibits a lack of depth and inconsistency in its regulation of international scientific co-operation and international scientific and technical collaboration. Many gaps in the Law of Ukraine "On Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activities" are partially filled by the norms of subordinate acts, primarily governmental ones. Nevertheless, Ukrainian legislation stipulates that international co-operation is to be regulated and guaranteed not directly with the entities engaged in scientific and scientific-technical activities, but rather with the relevant Ministry and the National Research Foundation of Ukraine. The author observed that this not only constrains the practical possibilities regarding academic freedom but also negates the normative foundation for international scientific collaboration coordinated by other central authorities in Ukraine, particularly in the security and defence sectors. In the current context, this appears to be a markedly adverse factor. Moreover, the absence of alignment with international norms and economic incentives may result in a reduction of Ukraine's capacity to attract foreign investments and participate in global scientific networks, which could ultimately impede economic development.

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interagency agreements, science, scientific research, scientific projects, scientific and technical co-operation


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